
lay me down on a bed of roses

Silent I


11 Years
07-28-2013, 07:58 PM

Her late entrance was exactly like her name: silent. She hadn't meant to have a delayed step into the meeting, but when nature effects your stomach and the moving babies inside of you, there is nothing that can be done to prevent the sickness. Before she arrived to the gathering of her newfound home, Silent had cleaned her mouth out with water and eaten a few mint leaves she had seen near the den. With a fresh and minty breath that left through her mouth and nose, Silent set off to the call of the King.
She hadn't met any other members of the pack yet. Bronze was her only connection to the land, the grand lands that held the wolves of one of the famous packs of Alacritis. For that, she was grateful to have such a wonderfuld link to the kingdom. It wasn't hard to find Bronze in the crowd of unfamiliar wolves. Even with her pregnant figure, she was able to slink through the different bodies and scents of her new home to reach him. Words didn't have to be exchanged when she finally made it to Bronze's side. A loving nuzzle was given to his right cheek as she slowly reclined to her haunches beside him.
Silent's smile was soft when she heard the news of Gerhardt giving the crown to Maverick. Her ears perked to the proclamation and a silent congrats was sent to him from her mind. It wasn't until he announced the two litters that were to be born within the next season that her facial appearances changed. Her smile widened and became brighter when he spoke of her and her mate's expecting pups. She was still having quite a time believing that they were actually having more children, but the evidence of her stomach beginning to grow in front and both sides always confirmed it.
When Maverick proclaimed that he and Epiphron were getting ready for their own litter, she couldn't help but happily yip for him. Her tail began to wag as images of future pups ran across the large lands of Seracia, playing tag and searching for treasures only they believed existed. She figured that she would personally congratulate the newlyweds -- and future parents -- when the meeting dispersed. Her attention was then taken from a congratulations that came from another female. Beautiful fur and gray orbs were what caught the black female's eyes first. Unsure of what to say, Silent only dipped her maw to her and gently tapped her tail against Bronze's front right paw. She watched Loccian walk away and then turned her gaze to her mate. Warmth danced in her eyes and she softly asked, "Thank you for bringing me here, Bronze..."
