
run from me




8 Years
12-06-2019, 11:52 PM (This post was last modified: 12-06-2019, 11:55 PM by Hannibal.)

In response to his warning the babe continued on to explain that not much could scare her. It was true Hannibal was not the darkest of demons. Hamiclar, Han's father, had been far worse with his sociopathic ways and desire to do anything for power. Many said due to his melanism and cold demeanor he was an actual demon. Even beyond that there was much worse in the world. Those with chaos and pure evil eating at their mind. The pale ghoul could not compare to most but if he lived his complete truth he'd have quite a bit more scars and much more enemies. Pondering what Io had said sparked thought of the fae's past. What had she seen that was so horrible? "Most that have seen the true evil in this world would not be able to speak of it so leisurely." Most are weak. Hannibal raised a brow, "Perhaps you are stronger then one may suspect." A small babe with a satchel did not come off as inherently strong. But, what was within the greyscale femme would seem to be a swirling mix of strength and confidence. The albino's eyes seemed to dance with slight admiration but nothing overbearing. He still did not know Io fully and after dealing with a many lying vixens he was hesitant.

Their conversation shifted back towards the situation at hand. After a full inspection the gal gave him the green light that his leg would heal just fine. But, it came with a warning of caution. A slipper pink tongue ran across his top row of ivory fangs before pink lips curled into a sickening smirk. "No strenuous activity..." A pause. "How will I survive?" Fluttering white lashes danced against a pink and blue gaze as he playfully eyed the small babe. Hannibal's voice was dripping with inky sarcasm.

Heat scorched his chest as the topic of their conversation continued towards his dear sister, Deathbelle. An image of her monochromatic bodice filled his mind before moving his full attention towards the gal before him. Her scent did smell havy of his sister's own and with the way she had answered his question it clued him in on that maybe she and Belle were a bit closer then he had first thought. Cheeks burned ever so slightly as the fur on the back of his neck raised. His tail stopped the playful flicking for a moment as he thought it over. With the absence of Archon he would only assume the Empress would move on but the fact that he wasn't there to catch he when she fell pained him so. Belle had said she wished to remain faithful to Archon until the pups were born and then perhaps they could move on with their relationship. To think that a newcomer had had the pleasure of enjoying the Empress' passion before himself caused anger to rise within him. But, all of these thoughts were built off of suspicion.

The flurry of emotion that moved over his form was clear to see. Hannibal was not one to contain his irritation at this point. Perhaps once he was a smooth serpentine but now his face read clear that he was not pleased. "My sister had just given birth before I ventured north." And heavily wrapped around Archon's massive claw. Venom was heavily weaved into each vocal but it was clear he held no ill will for Io. It was not her fault that he had been gone or Belle had her desires. He was more upset with himself then anything. He could also not blame Belle for she had thought he was gone for good. If he had a pretty little gal make herself known to him he'd do the same. I'd done the same time and time again. Visibly the ghoul calmed but he was still slightly rigid with a coiling sneer. "It pains me to say we are not close enough." His eyes were full of annoyance. "Deathbelle is my one true desire in this forsaken world and yet she slips from my grasp time and time again." Haunting eyes ravaged her emerald pools, "Do you hold feelings for my sister?" Perhaps the question was a shot in the dark but perhaps with him opening his heart she would consider doing the same.


This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.