
Beautiful woman, deadly nightshade

Seasonal fight prompt, beginner fighters?



6 Years

Samhain 2022Pride - Bisexual1KValentines 2020
12-07-2019, 01:45 PM (This post was last modified: 12-07-2019, 01:45 PM by Tsunami.)

Tsunami was far from home, quite far. Not that she was totally sure she really considered it home, so much as the only place she really had left. There was her uncle of course and her siblings but her father was gone, abandoning all his children... including the bright little eyesores he'd had to replace them. Maybe he was off somewhere else whoring out another woman... That seemed to be what he did, at least it seemed so to the yearling. In truth, Tsunami was quite driven now that he'd disappeared. Whatever it was that made him dislike his children enough to not only replace them but abandon them drove her to prove herself to her uncle. That was part of why she was wandering so far. She needed to get stronger, get smarter. Tsunami needed more experiences, just needed more.

The pack hadn't fled the wrath of the volcano, in fact it had hardly touched their lives, aside from the drop in temperature but it had luckily occurred during the winter and she'd already been growing in a thick northern coat and it seemed to be sticking around, at least for now. Something the girl was more than grateful for. Her coat was ruffled by the cool spring wind that swept across the ice, making her look a bit more like a fluff ball than she actually was. Cranberry gaze swept across the horizon, spotting the spire that dominated the landscape. The wind seemed to be picking up and Tsunami picked up her pace until she was basically full-on sprinting until she was pressed against the walls of the spire, seeking out any potential shelter she could find. She spotted a break in the wall she could easily push into and with a sort of frantic desperation Tsunami launched herself into the hole. She was moving so fast and so focused on the blowing snow outside that she missed that there was even anyone in there and by the time she did it was nearly too much to avoid a collision. Tsunami tripped on her own paws, or maybe the stranger? In truth she wasn't sure, not sure if she even hit the woman, her eyes screwed shut and she toppled over onto her stomach, her chest aching from the sudden connection on the floor.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention." Tsunami said, pulling herself to her haunches, gritting her teeth against the pain and embarrassment.

WC: 407


Art by G0dless
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.