
run from me




Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
12-08-2019, 01:18 AM (This post was last modified: 12-08-2019, 09:43 AM by Iolaire.)

Onyx ears flicked forward to catch each syllable uttered by the partially pale man.  He spoke of strength and the small woman gave a casual shrug.  "You're strong or you're a victim. " That was the way of the world. Though she may not be physically strong due to her diminutive stature, Iolaire believed that she was a mental powerhouse. The woman was world-wise, clever and witty. That was her strength and,  in that department,  she was miles ahead of most. 

Hannibal joked about being indisposed due to his leg and the small dame chuckled in response.  "Oh,  I'm sure you'll manage. You'll just have to get creative to keep yourself entertained." Green and gold eyes soaked with mirth. "Perhaps you'll do a better job of it than my brother.  He's been miserable with his broken leg." Sirius had indeed been a royal pain in her tail.  He had refused to stay off of the leg,  resulting in not only a longer healing time,  but a strain in another leg as well. The man threw tantrums like a child about his leg,  but she loved him anyway. 

As the conversation shifted to their darling Deathbelle, the instant change in demeanor was noted.  The shift was quite interesting to Iolaire. Did he truly feel that strongly for his half sister? Rather than pull back from the brutes irritated visage, Io merely arched a brow and made a noise of interest. She didn't speak,  she simply waited for him to process his emotions and continue,  which he eventually did.  He spoke of Belle's birth and of not being there to catch her when she needed it. He spoke of Deathbelle being his one true desire and something clicked within the tiny fae. Perhaps... this could be exactly what was needed.  The man's return was fortuitous and maybe fate was at work. 

Hannibal then asked if she had feelings for his sister and Iolaire would be honest as she had always been.  "Yes." The dainty lass stared the brute straight in his mismatched eyes,  showing that she held no shame.  No regrets. Only truth.  "I met Belle when she was a broken thing.  She needed me and something within me needed her. We became friends.  Lovers." Iolaire looked back on the beginning of her affair with the Empress. It had been easy from the beginning. The pair worked so well together that it hadn't taken much effort to heal Belle's broken heart. 

Iolaire continued,  giving the man more information. Perhaps she was giving him a hint as well; a key to Deathbelle. "Though we're lovers,  we both know that it won't last forever.  We're not each others end game,  so to speak. Belle needs a mate;  a consort.  Someone to share the burdens of rule. Someone to help continue her line of succession." Eyes still blazing into his own,  she left unspoken, 'that could be you.'

Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.