
Making Sure Her Silent Words Are Sincere




4 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!Christmas 2019
12-08-2019, 02:43 PM (This post was last modified: 12-13-2019, 12:21 PM by Célestin.)

Soft blues met his searching gaze and Philomena spoke, Célestin breathed a soft sigh of relief as he felt the tension bleed out of him. Though he could still tell something was bothering the woman and he took a tentative step towards her, settling onto his haunches at her side though he kept a conservative amount of space between them. Philomena spoke and Célestin listened, watching her from time to time but otherwise simply giving her the space she seemed to need to vent.

Célestin wasn't certain if he knew she'd had another litter before this one, some part of him thought he might have seen her with a pup or two at her heels once but then he wasn't sure, maybe he was simply making those memories up, lead by her sad tale. He didn't speak at all until she mentioned her insecurity about Pegasus. Unable to stop himself Célestin muttered an agreement: "I know how that feels." He said it more for himself than anything else, a soft confirmation that no matter his feelings towards the woman that they were in the same boat, abandoned by the man they had once thought loved them. Still, his ears perked when she spoke of their daughter and he shook his head. "Philomena I promise I will do everything in my power to protect her." He couldn't promise no bad would ever come but he loved that little girl with all his heart and he'd fight tooth and nail to protect her from whatever the world threw at her.

Célestin sighed, feeling the words pouring out of him now. "You remind me so much of my own mother, I didn't realize it as a child but she suffered greatly throughout my childhood. We weren't exactly wanted you see. Not that she didn't love me or my siblings but we weren't born from any sort of loving union. My father raped her." Once that truth had felt like the weight of the world on his shoulders, a shame, a burden but Pegasus had take it from him, told him it wasn't his cross to bear; he was still a good person, that wouldn't change just because his father was a scum bag. "She loved us but she struggled, she was scared of everything, my brother and I felt we had to care for her, but someone older and wiser than me told me I had to live for myself. It wasn't supposed to be my job to look after her." He looked at Philomena then. "I sometimes wish she'd opened up to us instead of retreating inwards. She had my uncle, she had a whole pack who could help her but she collapsed inwards, she cracked under the strain. It killed her." He blinked slowly. "You don't need to tell Meme anything until you think she's ready but I hope you'll share with her someday. But until then, please come to me. For yourself, and for her."

speech think action

[Image: dxada_by_sterling_raven_by_lolaf-dccz5i2.png]
Célestin speaks both French and English fluently, hover for translations.
I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3