
run from me




Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
12-09-2019, 08:51 PM

He spoke if finding something to fill his time with and her first thought was that she hoped he would fill that time with wooing Deathbelle. They needed it. Ashen needed it. Oddly enough, Iolaire also needed it. She had done her duty by the woman and now it was time for her to fly. Clipped wings had been regrown. She was whole and she was capable of love once more. That was what the tiny woman wanted above all. Belle needed to find love.

Hannibal asked after her relationship with Sirius and the little healer laughed aloud, eyes closing momentarily with the action. "Gods, no. We've adopted one another. He never had siblings and I lost mine..." the smile faded considerably, but didn't fully disappear. It had been so long ago. "I lost mine a long time ago," she finished. Canting her head slightly, she shot a mischievous look in the mans direction. "Would it surprise you though to know that my mother is almost as large as Sirius? My father larger?" The womans snow dipped tail lashed back and forth behind her. The grin returned. "I was a complete fluke."

When the conversation shifted to her relationship with Deathbelle, he still seemed bothered, but seemed to appreciate her honesty. That was good. She also appreciated honesty. It was the quickest way to gain her trust. Honesty wasn't always kind and it showed faith that one would choose to be unkind to refuse a lie. She watched the various emotions flit over his features and again said nothing until he was ready to speak again.

Finally choosing to speak, Hannibal surprised her. He asked after her own well being. They had just met. He had no need to be concerned about her welfare. The surprise had to have shown upon her normally controlled features for she felt brows lower that she hadn't remembered raising. "Again," she spoke, her voice a bit softer than before. "You're strong, or you're a victim." Giving up a lover willingly to another wouldn't even come close to being the worst of her relationships. Compared to her last... this was a walk in the park. "You needn't worry about me," she assured him. And he needn't. No one ever needed to worry about her. The woman was emotionally self sufficient. She would feel the loss of Deathbelle, but the good would outweigh the bad. Some might see that as uncaring, but she was anything but.

"You should find her soon. Her heart is healed and I believe she's ready and able to be loved again." She stared hard at the man. "I will never stop loving Deathbelle, but her happiness is paramount. Our relationship will change, but we will very much continue to be in each others lives." One obsidian ear flicked and the hardness in her gaze lightened. "Rather than lovers, we will be the closest of friends." Would he be able to watch that, knowing what they had been?
Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.