
run from me




8 Years
12-09-2019, 09:27 PM

Supple notes of laughter fading into Io's gentle voice filled the air. A breeze washed over them as he consumed the tidbits of knowledge she exposed. He was right to think Sirius and Iolaire were not blood related. They shared no markings and their size was completely off. But, as she continued the babe informed him of the fact that she did come from the seed of giants. Hannibal's brow raised as he looked her over. Honestly, he could not imagine her being the daughter of Wolves larger then even himself let alone almost to the point of Dire. "Aren't we all?" The pale ghoul grinned, "My father was fully melanistic and my mother a grey Wolf." Albinism was a strong trait of his ancestors but most thought it would fade away due to his father's melanism. "And yet me and most of my siblings are all riddled with the albinism our ancestors bred so deeply into." Hannibal raised a brow, "Perhaps you have a tiny ancestor." A chuckle came forth, ending with a shake of his head.

Hannibal watched her thought process and the rare emotion swim behind her emerald eyes. Conflicting ideals filled his immoral mind. The severely selfish side of the beast desired nothing more then to pounce at the chance of having the Empress to himself. But, the caring side of the male didn't desire to hurt anyone. If Io was truly someone Belle loved then he did not want to make her feel anymore pain then needed. Though, with all of this moral banter he had to think over the fact that Io had presented these ideas on a silver platter. Hinting at the future Hannibal and Deathbelle could have and excluding herself. Why is she so ready to rid herself of the Empress? His mind swam and his heart thumped. Thoughts were muffled as her feminine tones filled his ears once again.

The healer went on about the mending of Belle's heart. He couldn't help but to appreciate that she had done that much. The health and well being of the Empress was above all and it seemed that Io had the same mindset. To sacrifice their relationship to allow Belle to dive into a new one took a strong Wolf. "If it is a friendship you desire I would never be so cruel to come between such." He could watch them be friends and enjoy one another's company. But, if he were to devote himself to Belle completely he'd expect the same from her. If there was any funny business he wouldn't be pleased but he'd rather have the truth then them go behind his back. This was all of course if Belle gave him the light of day. "Answer this..." A raised brow. "Why are you so ready to move on?" Hannibal would never let go if he had what she did.


This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.