
run from me




Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
12-09-2019, 10:00 PM

Ears flicked forward, listening as Hannibal told her of his own family lineage. A melanistic father and a grey mother bred a two-toned beast like himself. Genetics were definitely interesting things. "Melanism runs in my family as well." Albinism, however... nope. Her whole family was dark. Her uncle was a giant, midnight beast that many thought of as a nightmare. He was a nightmare, but not because of his looks. Just like her father, her uncle was a lecherous beast and there was no end to his depravity.

Hannibal admitted that he wouldn't keep her and Deathbelle apart and she accepted his admission with a nod of affirmation. It was good that he wouldn't try. He would have succeeded.  If her presence bothered him enough that it would put a wedge between himself and Belle, then Iolaire would remove herself entirely from the picture. The future of Ashen was more important.

The question was then asked... why was she so eager to give up her lover. Iolaire was silent for a long while, brows knitting together until she had prepared an answer. And then she spoke. "I was tasked with healing Deathbelle. I have done so. Now is the optimum time to end our tryst. Her heart is whole and you've come into the picture with claims of devotion towards her. From what she has mentioned of you, those feelings might very well be reciprocated." With a sigh, the woman shook her head, suddenly looking tired. "Each day that we pass together, it becomes harder to think of us being apart. I know she feels the same."

Iolaire rose, shaking out her lush tri-toned pelt to rid it of clinging debris. She slid her pack over a slender neck, shooting the brute one final look. "I cannot give her pups. I cannot fight beside her. I could never give her all of me." No one would ever have that from her again. "For the future of Ashen, Belle needs to find a consort, be it you or another." The tiny lass turned and began walking off back towards the temporary hole that she called home. "Take care, Hannibal. Don't hold back."

-Exit Io unless stopped-
Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.