
Klein Adoptables v2

revamped adoption page



8 Years
12-09-2019, 11:31 PM (This post was last modified: 01-04-2020, 11:40 PM by Hannibal.)

The Klein family comes from a land formed of numerous packs all climbing to be at the top of the totem pole. The Klein Empire was led by Hamiclar and Iber Klein with their son Hannibal Klein as the heir. Hamiclar was a strong and powerful leader who led with an iron paw. Iber was an extremely talented battle strategist and crafter. Together they were a force to be reckoned with and laid claim to the largest pack in the region. The Kleins believe strength and proving your worth are of the utmost importance. You do not get a rank based on your blood or popularity. One must prove themselves to be worthy enough for prestigious ranks of authority or power. Trials of combat and intelligence are favored. The Empire was a harsh place for the weak but comprised of order and a sense of stability like no other.

Hamiclar Klein was a harsh male consumed by his duties. He chose Iber as his mate due to her intelligence and produced two litters within two years with her. His first and second litters would have known him to be a stern yet caring Father but also a very determined leader which would come before anything. His third litter would have not had a chance to bond with their parents too much. Iber was much closer to her spawn and had much more of a relationship with each of the pups. She had a much more gentle touch and taught them most of their life lessons. Hamiclar chose Hannibal to be his successor when the partially albino boy came of age. The rest of the pups either showed their strength to hold significant ranks or went off their own ways. Their parents never forced the offspring into a certain direction but remained proud of their pups who chose to climb the ranks of the Empire. The Klein children would mostly be rather tight knit with a rare rebel.

Yvonne was a female Hamiclar met on a trip to an allied pack and had a one night stand with. He used his nobility to bring the babe back to the Empire with him and she was to be kept as his mistress. Yvonne helped raise their pups but they were not seen in as high of a regard as Iber's offspring. Hamiclar saw them all the same but the some of other high ranking Wolves did not. This means if Yvonne's litter had to prove themselves to the masses much more then Iber's litters.

The famine came in the summer as Hamiclar and Iber's first litter turned 3 years of age. A severe drought hit the lands and even the mighty Klein Empire was crumbled at its foundation by mother nature. Hamiclar, Iber, Yvonne, and a few of their offspring became ill due to malnutrition and spoiled food. They eventually died as the rest of the Empire scatted or came to their own demise. Hannibal fled to find suitable land and eventually found Boreas within a few months. He left with some information of where he was headed with hopes his family would follow if they did not find their own way to survive.


  • Albnism and Melanism traits run in the family but the Albino trait is much more common.
  • Baby blue eyes are most common.
  • Kleins are fiercely loyal to their blood. Rebellion plots and ideals are only to be done through in character development or ran by me first.
  • Hamiclar was 41", Iber was 35", and Yvonne was 31".
  • Feel free to apply for extended family members and/or characters from their homeland.
  • Find me on discord or dm me here to chat about plots or ask questions!


Hamiclar Klein x Iber Klein
birth season: summer - 5 years old
Hannibal Iber Klein, Cordelia Klein, Pandora Klein, Vexation Klein, Harbringr Klein

Hamiclar Klein x Yvonne
birth season winter - 4 years old
Deathbelle Klein, Asphyxiation Klein, Tiamat Klein, Rosmary Klein, Ana Klein

Hamiclar Klein x Iber Klein
birth season summer - 4 years old
Lucerita Klein, Hela Klein, Samara Klein, Shiba Klein, Rapture Klein, Jax Klein

Nessarion Klein (Sister to Hamiclar) x Unknown
birth season winter - 4 years old - cousins to any Hamiclar litters

deceased . available


[Image: klein_adopt_1.png]
[Image: klein_adopt_3.png][Image: klein_adopt_5.png][Image: klein_adopt_4.png][Image: Klein_adopt_7_small.png]


Obsidian, Heathen, Yvera, Vex, Hex, Syrax, Fathom, Ghoul, Ghost, Asphyxiation, Dread, Onyx.

Feel free to come up with your own.


If you happen to fall inactive with the characters for longer then 1 ooc month I hold the right to reclaim these adoptables. I will be fairly lenient especially with unique characters that are not Kleins. Just let me know and we can work things out if you happen to fall inactive due to irl/ooc reason! Also, any designs provided by me may only be used on Ardent for the adopted character. If the character is taken back I will take back the design unless stated otherwise.


[b]OOC Name:[/b]
[b]Character Name:[/b]
[b]Design:[/b] You may make your own! Stick to the color schemes seen above if they are a Klein.
[b]Appearance:[/b] 100+ words please!
[b]Personality:[/b] 200+ words please!
[b]RP Sample:[/b] 150+ words please!
[b]Plots/Ideas:[/b] What will the do upon arrival?
This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.