
Klein Adoptables v2

revamped adoption page



4 Years
Dire wolf

Trick 2019Christmas 2019
12-10-2019, 11:21 AM (This post was last modified: 12-26-2019, 04:55 AM by Philomena.)
OOC Name: Belle

Character Name: Asphyxiation “Asphyxia” Klein

Gender: Male



Asphyxiation is a remarkable creature when it comes to the base of his form. He is a tall creature who stood just shy of his father's own height; even still forty inches is still a rather impressive height. But it is not his height that Asphyxia boasts on but rather the lithe frame he has. He is, in his eyes, the picture of perfection and elegance with his form. He seems to glide over the land when he runs due to his smoother gait. If he smiled more often, especially around others, he could easily seem approachable. Asphyxia prefers other keep a respectable distance however and feels his resting bitch face suits him fine. On another note he may lack excess muscle, holding a lighter build, but there is a tone of masculinity noted by his broad chest and toned legs. One studying his features will take note of a chiseled face as well. A passing glance may require a double take if you notice the silky, excessively groomed fur he bears. His fur is slightly longer on his cheeks, a short feathering extension at his paws, and upon what is left of his small nubbin tail. Asphyxia, from birth, had been missing most of his tail and was left instead with a short yet fluffy appendage seeming more rabbit-like than something that would belong to a wolf. Don't try and tell him that; he just has to sport another side of perfection is all.

While Asphyxia boasts of his perfections his coat coloration is not in reality all that spectacular or unique. The monochrome colors do cross along his body in a neat display, however, with the darkest color, a soft ebony, touching his muzzle and throat before running up the bridge of his nose spanning across his forehead and right ear before sliding down the nape of his neck. The color outlines the fronts and backs of his forelegs, stretching up towards his shoulder though it never meets there. The front portion does connect with the back of the portion that reaches the end of his neck though! From hs rump, about his bunny-tail of distance from the base of his tail the same soft ebony draws back towards his nape, disrupted by ivory, where it runs alongside the other marking in a sweeping motion down his sides and across belly. The marking extends upwards towards his back end, reaching higher onto his sides and the front portion of his thighs. Not quite touching that same ebony the color runs up from his back legs, breaking off by toe lengths before it meets the other ebony on the front part of his thighs to reach up through the center and out towards his spine. His bunny-like tail is pure black.

Asphyxiation’s true base color is the rich silver he has in the middle of his form among the reaching ebony markings. It reaches and dips among this and ivory on his back legs while coming up from his front paws between the ebony trails before it is disrupted by the ivory “jaw-esc” marking that dips from his shoulders past the nape of his neck. The backs of his thighs have a quick splash of the ivory for an additional bit of color on his rear to help compliment the higher amount of ebony on that part of his body. The majority of his neck is ivory as well and a deeper silver, perhaps more of a gray, is worn as a hood under the ebony on his face. Ivory is seen crossing under his eyes in a delicate brush color as well as above his eyes in a more defined, harder edge mark. His left ear is ivory, a contrast to the right, and below either is a small brushing of gray that reaches down towards his cheeks. The flesh of his nose and pads are a darker shade of ebony than can be found on his coat and his claws are darker still. Were it not for the turquoise eyes he has the man could be lost in a snow storm in the dead of night.


Asphyxiation, or Asphyxia as he prefers to be called, holds himself in high regard. Despite being born as a “lesser” litter to his father’s mistress he had never seen himself as anything less than perfect and a piece of masterful art crafted by the courtship of his parents; now he needed to prove that worth to the rest of those around him. He would never settle for life low on the ladder, though going as far as leading a full pack has never exactly appealed to him. He wants to support his family, and be at the topmost ranks, but not lording above the others. He is above those not of his kin, however, in the regard that he will earn the place he is put. He has a bit of a competitive side too and, should someone seek what Asphyxia believes is his own, he will fight tooth and nail, body and mind, to move heaven and Earth to claim what he deems his.

Taking a closer look at the man you can see he takes careful pride in his appearance, even excessively ensuring he is groomed. They noticed how you look first and foremost, do they not? Nevermind his vanity, and goodness forbid you dare mention his fluffy rabbit-like tail! It’s not a flaw, it is elegantly styled to be short and adorable! He tends to have a resting bitch face, with a more “unapproachable” demeanor than other wolves. Whether it’s his ramblings, pacing, or just scrunching his face up in various levels of frustration and musings as he wrestles with his thoughts he doesn’t exactly look like the sort of guy you want to just head over to and hug like you’re an old friend.

Secondly he took care in his studies, learning anything and everything he could. He took to knowledge like a sponge, eagerly taking in things that he may never even need. No one had to prompt Asphyxia to do this, as the man is extremely self motivated and disciplined. No one hold his hand to ensure he got on the path desired to be worthy of the Klein name. He had to make that happen all on his own less he become a disappointment to the family. His mind is his sharpest tool, far sharper than his body, and seems to be in constant use. Complex calculations and thoughts of scenarios as he analyzes different possible options are common and the man, more often than not, will ramble to himself as he works through his ideas and counters whatever plans he makes until he finds the most workable and logical solution.

Asphyxia can seem rather cold, a hardened individual because he puts the survival of himself, his kin, and those loyal to them above others. He is not above helping organize attacks or raids for supplies from others, even if it may mean they go without. In the world they live in you have the strength, intelligence, and unity to survive or you don’t. If you die it is because you, or your pack or allies didn’t have the means to survive. It sucks, but death is a part of life and it is nothing personal; it is survival. That said he is extremely loyal to his kin and pretty much needs a pack with a strong sense of order otherwise it will fray his nerves. He tends to be emotionally guarded though, and few know this man beyond his tactical prowess. It takes a lot of trust for him to show you his tears, or confess his fears or doubts. You must be pretty special to earn a smile from him as well… those are rare from a man like Asphyxia, though no unheard of. It is far more common to see this man huffing or exasperated with those who lack intelligence or maturity.

If you can get past the barriers and guards that Asphyxia has set up, as well as his vanity and view of himself as a flawless image of beauty, then you may find that deep down he is capable of more compassion and love than one would ever expect. For his kin he will do his damnedest to move mountains and fell armies… for the one who captures his heart he will seek to move heaven, earth, and even the stars themselves. He will be protective, perhaps a bit jealous but not the sort that will smother you over it. He may seek reassurance that you are his, and his alone, as he showers you in affections and gifts in private. In gatherings he is the sort of man to have you proudly at his side, defend you and your honor… if you reach his heart Asphyxia will seek you give you the world even at the cost of his very last breath.

RP Sample:

A furrowed brow accompanied his usual frown that cloudy morn. The yearling was pacing, mind working overtime as he played with various concepts and battle strategies in his head. When it came to the art of battle, whether a raid was intended for supplies or hell, even conquest there were a great many things one needed to consider. You could not just willy nilly send your entire force marching to the location of your enemy. No no it was not at all that simple. He was churning now just how complex it could be. But rather than leave the young man daunted by all the extra variables and things to consider… he found himself growing more interested. A challenge that he would apply himself to, study all the more, and one day he would be an extraordinary strategist for his family’s goals. Surely that was a fine initial goal for the young man? One could not aim low, no, not when he had his place among his kin to prove.

“Now… in the event of a raid, far more common that warmongering… we would still need to consider our numbers and the potential numbers of our enemy at the time. The conditions of the fighters, as well as having a mix of speed and brawn, would be far more ideal. Perhaps send the fleet footed in as a diversion, lure our foe to where an ambush of the stronger forces await. Ahh yes and therein comes the opportunity to use the terrain to our advantage!” His eyes shone as he worked through a possible, yet ultimately fake, scenario.

“Trees, foliage… or even a mountainous terrain. Gain the high ground if we can. It is easier to swipe at an opponent from above than it would be for them to reach us. Hm… would it even be reasonable to use the terrain itself to battle? A pulled back branch hitting the face of another, a stone rolled in the path of some unfortunate soul… although all of that really depends on where the fight even takes place, now doesn’t it?” The man sighed and shook his head as he turned to pace back the other way. While he moved his rabbit tail quivered, a nervously excited habit he had.

“Bottom line is soldiers chosen for the occasion. Making sure those picked are suitable for the task at hand. Different situations will call for different styles of fighting… and what may be best for one attack may not be suitable for another. Overall, dividing and fanning out our forces could be the most effective method. They won’t know exactly how many of us there or, nor see us all at once, so thus we’d still have some element of surprise. Pincer movements would fall here too… the division would just need to be variable depending on how many stand with us at the time.” He took a small breath, feeling a bit more satisfied.

“Seek opportune times to strike… study enemy habits if we can. Seek a time where their guards seem lowered… avoid unnecessary risk to those loyal to us… stand together, work hard, strike fast, and survive.” It all seemed perfectly logical to him. “It will be far better when I can I actually test these theories, rather than just battle it out within my brain…” He mused to himself. Theory was one thing, the actual battles would be another. He would have to see firsthand what worked and what didn’t… and he’d need to be careful because if he guided them wrong lives were essentially in his paws. If this was his path he would need to accept that if he didn’t plan accordingly someone could get hurt… or worse. Hell, even if he thought out the best possible strategy there was still a risk of such things.

But Asphyxia would not waver in his decision. This was where he’d find purpose as a Klein…

...and it was in the art of battle strategy he would excel and make a name for himself among his family.


-Hamiclar Klein x Yvonne Litter
-Lawful Neutral
-Tactician / Battle Strategist Mindset
-Intellect and Fighting Skills [Would rather plan battles rather than participate. Will get on the line if need be though! He is not afraid to get dirty; he just prefers not to.]
-Reunion with Deathbelle / other family. For sure joining Ashen or the Ashen Armada depending on IC content. He is family oriented though so his loyalties will forever remain to his kin regardless of pack and whatnot.
  • Philomena's current avatar is by Risketch on DeviantArt.

  • Philomena has a bat hawk companion named No Face who is generally somewhere nearby if he is mentioned at all in a thread. If not mentioned, assume he is not there!