
he was a boy, she was a girl




3 Years

Christmas 2019Trick 2019
12-10-2019, 04:02 PM
Lucretia had been testing Deathbelle's anti-conception tonic on herself for some time for now. It seemed to prevent pregnancy, from what she could tell from her limited experience. She could tell from her scent that it had prevented her from ovulating... this kind of potion, unfortunately, wasn't something she was willing to test in a "hands on" manner. Luce hadn't ever felt any sort of sexual attraction once she'd matured. Sure, there was deep affection that came in waves for her family and those close to the pack, but she didn't ooze the same sexuality that other Kleins did. The entire thing was a bit of a mystery to her. Not, of course, the physical act - she was a doctor, after all, and not an idiot. But how did you get to that place where you were willing to give yourself over to another? Luce wasn't good at being vulnerable. Not in any way, shape, or form.

Bourbon had become the one exception to her normally reticent personality. He had managed to wheedle his way into her heart - or at least within the same cavity in her ribcage. She was fond of him.

Unfortunately, one of the side effects of testing Deathbelle's tonics was that her heat had come early this season. It typically made her irritable; all she wanted was to retreat to the darkness of their den. Their. A guilty smirk crossed her face as she slipped into the temporary home they had made together. Did he think of it as his? She hoped that he did. Luce had shared her deepest, darkest secrets with him and he had seen her through the ugliest of her manias. They were deeply bonded. "Hello, Bourbon," she said quietly. The scent of heat was musky in the enclosed space. Luce wrinkled her nose at it. Settling down beside him, she began to eagerly pick at the rabbit he'd prepared for her. There were only a handful of wolves that she trusted to receive food from and her companion was one of them. In typical fashion, the niceties that he had pulled together just for her seemed to slide over her reptilian brain. Although lavender was on the air, she figured it was because of their recent harvests. The liquid in the coconuts went unnoticed. All that mattered were their needs being met. Food. Water. Shelter. "Did you harvest some lavender recently?"
[Image: eris-sig-gif.gif][Image: theo-sig-gif.gif][Image: idalia-sig-gif.gif][Image: dag-sig-gif.gif][Image: rags-sig-gif-1.gif][Image: luce-sig-gif.gif][Image: calamity-sig-gif.gif]