
he was a boy, she was a girl




5 Years
Extra small

Trick 2019Costume Contest 2019
12-10-2019, 04:24 PM
He tried not to but he couldn’t help but notice her heat scent, that made his task that much easier to follow through with. Not that he had any hesitation now that he’d made his mind up. Bourbon knew that in the very least she was fond of him, and the dog wondered if he could get her to admit love. She was very cut and dry matter of factual kind of she wolf. If he could show her the emotions that captivated him..

Bourbon smiled and wagged his tail as she greeted him, his first thought his happiness at seeing her eat so readily. He had no doubt she worked hard today and the affliction of her body didn’t help. Carefully he nosed her coconut towards her wordlessly before working on his own dinner. He took a couple of laps at the wine in between. ”I did.” He answered simply, she needed not notice his efforts as long as she could smell them and was helped to relax by the aroma. ”I know it's early yet,” He added.

The dog leaned against her subtly as he continued to work on his rabbit. He thought better about a comment about her scent, however much he enjoyed it. After his chat with Io he had begun to rethink his stance on the foundations of his views. He felt like Lucretia’s equal and she was already his other half in every other aspect of his life. Why not in this? He was no neutered animal…

”Did you see Deathbelle this morning?” He asked curiously, he hadn’t decided how to approach her just yet. He didn’t know how she would respond, and he wanted everything perfect leading up to that point.
Hello, my name is BOURBON
I belong to Lucretia Maxima Klein
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