
jesse's girl



7 Years

Snake EyesVolcanoChristmas 2019
12-10-2019, 05:48 PM
Slowly Kirsi was beginning to adjust to life within Winterfell too, having spent some time conversing - finally - with a few members that weren't Song. Not that she minded his company taking up so much of her time. He'd been a much-welcomed reprieve from the dark thoughts that Ignatius's absence had left her with, and during the time they'd spent together she'd grown quite fond of him. The thought of making a name for herself in these lands, in this new pack, with him at her side.. well, it didn't sound half bad. Part of her was still slightly unnerved that a wolf from her homelands was here, and she feared what she knew and what she believed - both which were two very different things, as far as Kirsi was concerned.

But those thoughts seemed to slip away from her as she sought out Song's presence tonight, peering through the trees as the sun began to sink below the horizon. Daylight was slowly fading, and she was reminded of just how short the days were, despite the fact that spring had started to sneak in. The seasons changed much more slowly this far north, though she was used to the way winter seemed to keep hold on the world like this. Her homeland wasn't much different. Slowly she moved through the pine trees, trailing after his scent. When she found him, she slowed and began to creep quietly through the underbrush, trying to remain stealthy. When she thought she might've gone unseen, she waited for a moment and then sprung out, attempting to tackle the much larger male... which didn't amount to much of anything, but it earned a soft laugh as she collided with him, burying her face in his side. "Boo."