
disloyal thoughts.


07-28-2013, 09:37 PM

It was painfully easy to lie. So many wolves just ate up anything Tyberius told them, without stopping to question if it was truth. Perhaps they wanted to think the best of him. If that was the case, they were dead wrong. Lying efficiently was both a game and a way of life for the three-legged wolf, although he wasn't always that concerned when someone saw through him. He'd always had the deformity to use as a crutch. Most wolves wouldn't dare hurt a cripple, especially if he told them he was born that way. Sometimes he'd say he was addled. That was even more fun for him.

Today, however, he'd found a quiet place in the Red Forest, somewhere he could spend time alone. On days he wasn't being a pest, he needed to be alone so that he could recharge. He wasn't particularly fond of the company of others (unless he was making the exception to bother them) and sought solitary walks whenever he felt the need. Medusa hadn't yet realized that he wasn't as reliable as he acted and that was relief in itself. He wasn't ready to manufacture more lies. He was already hock-deep in enough.

Newt appeared to trust him, as did Medusa. Knowing that his cover had not yet been blown was reassuring. He had taken the opportunity to lay underneath a rather large tree, resting his head on his paws. Sleep was threatening to take him under her wing but he wouldn't allow that in such an open place. Only his den was acceptable, even for napping. The wolves that he didn't want to deal with wouldn't dare enter his den. Most of the time, they didn't want to be near him anyway.

The thing that bothered Tyberius was that he hadn't had the chance to prove his worthiness to his alpha. He could do so much for her, if he wanted. If he didn't, he could tear down her newly-built palace with no remorse. His loyalty lay on a fine line. He could go either way and be happy. Trustworthiness and loyalty were not in his nature. The white female with the purple eyes had earned the rank of lead scout and, although he'd never admit it, he was bothered by it. I could do so much better. This is her job, but this is my lifestyle. He blew air out of his nose, annoyed by the thought. Maybe he could do better. Maybe he could lie.

The thought was enticing. Very enticing. He would have pondered the questions a little further if he hadn't heard a noise from somewhere nearby. The faint scent told him that it was lupine. Unfortunately. It was unfair to think such a thing; living on packlands meant that he'd eventually run into other wolves that lived there.

TAG: alena! . WORDS: 471 . NOTES: none.