
disloyal thoughts.



11 Years
Athena I
07-28-2013, 10:52 PM

The soft, ivory form of the fea moved quietly through her pack lands. It was a strange thought for her, thinking that this forest was now her home. She had never been one to stay in one place and being part of a pack had never been an option. And yet here she was, not only a member of a pack, but she held actually held a position within it. She was strangely proud that she held this spot among them and that she had been able to find another use for the skills she had learned as an assassin. Certainly her days as an assassin were far from over, but for now they were on hold till a job presented itself.

She padded along nearly silently, the only disruption to her gait the ever so slight limp she still had from the injury she had gotten to her shoulder. It was almost completely healed how thanks to the job well done Tiresias had given her. She only had a slight limp every few steps as the still weak muscle ached. She had been on her paws as much as possible since it had begun to heal, trying to work the muscle back into its original strength. Her thoughts flashed back to the healer that had saved her life. She wondered how Tiresias was doing. She hoped that wherever he was he was well. That brought up the thought of the three-legged spy that was the healer's brother. She really needed to speak with him, seeing as how they were the pack's spies as of now. She supposed it was necessary to at least touch base with the brute, create some sort of relationship with him should she need his help.

With her new goal of finding the brute on her mind, she trotted forward, searching the air for any trace of his scent. Soon she caught it, following the scent to its source. Sure enough, she found him relaxing under one of the many large trees. She slowed to a easy walk once again, stopping a few feet from him and nodding to him. Taking a seat and curling her tail neatly over her forepaws, she said, "Hello, Tyberius. I'm sorry if I've disrupted your rest. I just wanted to touch base with you a bit, get to know a little about you and your skills perhaps." It had occurred to her before that maybe he would have valuable skills that she did not possess since he was a true spy whereas she was not. "I feel like there are many things we could learn from each other and I would enjoy sharing information with you if you would." She rolled her aching shoulder and let out her breath in a soft sigh, more than ready for the healing process to be over. Her cold violet gaze rested on him as she waited for his reply.

ooc: btw, I don't think she's technically the head scout yet lol but her and Ty are the only candidates it looks like -shrugs-
