
falling slowly, eyes that know me




8 Years
12-11-2019, 06:16 PM

As they moved on into their conversation the monochromatic cogs of their relationship churned more easily. Flutters and waves of worry still danced in his belly but as he sunk into the feeling of their companionship he felt better. Memories of their time in the past came back to him. How easy it had been to flirt with his dear Empress and expose his desires. Now Hannibal had something to lose and it was evident. His chances were lessening each time he made an impulsive or dire decision. No longer did his children want anything to do with him and Belle would likely grow tired of his mistakes with time. They were reaching the middle of their lifespan and Hannibal was aware he didn't have the time to be so reckless.

Pale eyes swam with admiration with he initial anxieties dimming. The side of Deathbelle he was witnessing was foreign to him. Previously she had been flirtatious and tempting, but also strong in her reservations. But, in this instance she was shy in a way. The sight made his heart swell even more. Such emotion did not stop as her gentle tones filled the air. Acceptance swam it's way into his ears and the beast grinned from ear to ear. Her comment on their pacing was reasonable and he agreed all the same. They needed to take time and explore one another. If they were going to work it could not be all lust but a complete understanding of the opposing Wolf.

A little nod came forth as he leaned against her. The ghoul relished within the feelings of bliss. It had been a long time since he had felt such vivid life flowing through his veins. "That sounds perfect." Time away was what both of them needed. The packs were fine at the moment and there was much to discuss without outside distractions. "You have truly managed to make me feel like a giddy yearling with his first crush." A half chuckle have snort came forth as he nuzzled her once again, "Are you sure you aren't some sort of siren?" A mythical creature known to lure unsuspecting Wolves in with their beautiful vocals.

Hannibal raised his head and his eyes danced across the woman before him. "Would you like to share this meal with me?" The male wanted to continue their conversation but no longer did he want to stand on his wonky leg. "Standing for long periods of time puts strain on my weak leg."


This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.