


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
12-13-2019, 01:19 AM
He was working on some trinkets for his kids as well as thinking up some new ideas for the pack when Finn suddenly came to him and quickly informed him that Orca had left the pack lands. Concerned, Acere quickly rose and followed the fox to where her scent had gone and the alpha was dismayed to learn that she had indeed gone beyond the border. He had hoped for a moment that maybe Finn had been wrong and had mistaken her scent trail going out and that maybe she had been walking along it, but no. Her scent led out towards the nearby riverbed. As a father, he was worried. As an alpha, he was dismayed to know she ignored the orders that no pups were to leave pack lands without an adult until he was sure the events from the eruption had settled. Until it was safe again.

With urgency he followed her trail, and shortly after heard her howl. Fear spiked through him, his fur rising and his heart beat faster as he hurried. Was she okay? Was something trying to hurt her? His fears only increased as he practically charged across the ground until the riverbed came into view and almost like a bullet he rushed to the top of the rise and hurriedly looked around until he spotted her. "Orca!" He cried out as he half ran, half slid down into the riverbed. Upon approaching, however, he realized she wasn't alone. Crimson gaze found another body. Another pup. This one smelling of Abaven. He slowed until he stood before them. "Orca! You know you're not supposed to go outside of pack lands without an adult!"

His voice was stern, almost upset but not quite. But it softened when he noticed she was trying to keep the boy warm and that she appeared unharmed. Sighing, he crouched down to their level and peered at them both. "You worried me..." He whispered to his daughter. He couldn't say he wasn't proud...she wasn't in danger and it seemed she was trying to help someone...but still. Despite his feeling proud of her offering a helping paw, she could have gotten into danger. He turned his attention to the boy then, "You're from Abaven? What are you doing so far from home?" At this point, his voice was softer. How had this boy gotten so far? Weren't they still occupying the island? Or had they returned to their homelands?