
New home... again


08-21-2013, 12:03 AM

Seraphine's brow would raise when the lady said that it rained a lot in Valhalla recently. That was probably before she had arrived here because it had't rained for a few days for the pup, and the only water she had received was when she almost drowned when looking for her mother Luce and siblings. Even if she wasn't thinking too much about it the thought made a small shiver run across her whole body, ears twitching. The lady's voice broke the girl's thoughts, saying how a little bit of rain would be nice, of course it would. Listening to it beat against the earth, it was comforting for the pup.

"I am Claire Aobhinne, but you can just call me Claire." The pup gave a small nod of her head when the lady introduced herself, looking up at the dark woman, sticking the name to her face so she wouldn't forget when they ran into each other next time. She then welcomed Seraphine and commented on how she didn't sound to happy about moving here. It would make her sigh lightly, laying her head back against the grass, closing her eyes.

"This is the second time I moved..." She spoke softly, eyes slowly opening but focused on her paws. "I lost my mother in a fire and a nice lady found me, she named me Seraphine, but after she had pups they vanished." The girl would sigh heavily, pushing herself up back into a sitting position, her mismatched gaze looking up to the sky. "I heard Demo talking in his sleep after he saved me from drowning, he lost his family too so I wanted to stay with him." Her head would lower, a paw pressing the grass down, a sadness and pain had made its way into her voice by now.


Awesome table by Spriggan. <3