
When the Hammer Falls

Pack meeting & Raid meeting!


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
12-13-2019, 08:58 PM (This post was last modified: 12-13-2019, 11:34 PM by Nyx.)

It was time to call the pack together to address the upcoming raids. Valkyrie had given him her choice of targets, and while the pack was aware of the situation, the pack as a whole (him included) were simply waiting on Valkyrie to give word on who she wanted them to raid. Winter had come and gone, and Spring was drawing out and yet, despite Valkyrie's lateness in letting him know what she wanted, he would see to it that he held up his end of the bargain. Unless of course, Kai ultimately decided he'd rather go back to them. The terms of the raid were simple, and Acere decided it would be a good opportunity to see how well the pack could work together. He had enough of half the population not doing a thing and quite frankly if they thought they could fly under the radar without doing anything they were very, very wrong. He had made it clear and simple before that if they didn't want to be here, all they had to do was tell him and they could leave. Instead, he didn't know whether they were skulking about and using up valuable resources or if they decided flat out abandonment of the pack was okay. If the latter were the case, he debated on what to do. Abandoning the pack without a word wasn't something he felt he could let slide so lightly.

He walked with a steady and heavy gait to the meeting place at the pines, throwing his head up to howl for the pack to gather immediately. He was not going to play games or dawdle on the issues, he would get right down to the heart of the matter. This would be both a pack meeting and a meeting to discuss the raids. While yes, he could be a fair king, he wasn't going to be seen as a weak leader or a push-over. After everything he put into the pack and all he tried to do for them, he was disappointed and furious that it seemed like others took advantage of his kindness. Of course, he knew some of them were pulling their weight...but those who weren't? Well, he'd get to that later. When he reached the clearing he climbed on top of the large boulder in the center of the clearing that had the fallen logs crossed behind him.

Today and here on out, he meant business.

This is an official pack meeting AND raid meeting! First round replies due by 12/20! I realize that for the raid part it's late since winterfell was to raid during winter & mid-spring but the raids are going to be extended into summer since holiday months are busy for a lot of us! Pack members who don't post to this meeting will face consequences unless you have a current/valid absence up or have informed me beforehand.
