
When the Hammer Falls

Pack meeting & Raid meeting!



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
12-13-2019, 10:18 PM

Somehow. She had become pregnant. She knew how it happened. The somehow of it was more the fact that she thought she was too old to get pregnant anymore. But it seemed that by some miracle of fate she would be granted one last litter at least. She was already showing, and despite her advanced age she felt...renewed. Youthful. Though her body betrayed her age, her spirit and mind felt young again when she found out that she was pregnant. Her swelling belly slowed her movement more now, but she remained in the pack lands with her mate. She only hoped that they'd both live long enough to know them and be there when they grew up. She was curled up with soaking up the sun when she heard Acere call for the pack, the tone commanding and riddled with a firm tone among other things. He was not happy about something, and she had a feeling she already knew what it was. Not only that, but she assumed the Hjarrandi band leader finally gave him her choice of targets, and she was curious as to what happened when she came by. Of course, she wondered what else was on the agenda for todays meeting. Rising to her paws, she called into the den for Feli and waited for him before heading off to the meeting point. There, Acere sat waiting for the pack to gather. She offered a quick smile and a nod of greeting to him before settling down on the ground, stretching her legs out until she was comfortable enough and waited for the others to arrive.


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