
When the Hammer Falls

Pack meeting & Raid meeting!



2 Years

Treat 2019
12-14-2019, 01:37 PM

Fracture had regrettably spent the last of the season in a spiral of emotions. His shame was still highly prevalent after his attempted rescues of slaves at the marketplace, and it was becoming harder to look Acere in the eye knowing that his king had to come to his defense when Sirius drove him to the ground. He'd never liked feeling weaker then the others and his weakness had spread to Winterfell's name, his King and Hand had lost their melee against the direwolf and Fracture took the hit to his pride knowing that Sirius walked away victorious against two of Winterfell's most ferocious fighters. It'd never had happened if he could have only held his own in combat.

The pack had been uncharacteristically quiet since then. The volcano erupted, Heloise vanished. He'd heard in gossip that she'd been upset at a bargain the King had made for a slave. Some alliance with a rogue band where he'd offered far more then the wolf was worth in an attempt to rescue him. Fracture shrugged off whatever tangible items Acere had promised the vikings - to save a slave was worth more then food or pelts or knick-knacks - though this last agreement, the promise to raid on the viking's behalf... Fracture was torn. He'd felt indebted to Winterfell and Acere, though his moral code could not stomach the thought of bringing more pain and suffering upon the packs in this land after the volcano's wrath, and was it really worth it to free one slave and potentially hand the band more captives from any raid they'd might win? He'd felt there was more to the story then what he was getting.

When Acere called the pack together for the first time in a season, Fracture did his best to be on time as he always had. Without Heloise he'd not known where exactly to stand nor who to talk to until the meeting began. A part of him wondered if maybe she left because of her disagreement with the King's choice. He stepped into the crowd and moved to sit on his own, awaiting quietly for his King's words and feeling his chest clench in uncomfortable anticipation.