
Every Little Thing She Does

AW- Drunken revelry



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
12-20-2019, 10:00 AM (This post was last modified: 12-20-2019, 10:00 AM by Iolaire.)

Despair had taken hold of the small wolf. Don't get her wrong, she was insanely happy the those closest to her in life were finding happiness. It was just difficult to swallow the fact that happiness would never be hers. She'd had her chance with Yrione and, thanks to her faulty reproductive system, had lost that chance. He'd found her inability to reproduce to be disgusting and blasphemous. The small healer was convinced that that had been her one shot. The world would pass her by, supplying happy endings to everyone around her, but she would forever be forgotten.

Depressed and grumpy, the woman had dumped the contents of her healing pack on the stone floor of her temporary den. She had filled the pack with gourds full of her own honey mead. Without a word to the rest of the pack, she left, carting the heavy pack along with her. The contents of the pack sloshed, making her trek awkward, but she sucked it up, knowing that the trek back would be a lot lighter.

Iolaire went to the land of sweet grasses. The ground was soft here and the wind was gentle this eve. The sun would be gone shortly and the skies promised a clear night. The moon would be at half mast, but both it and the stars would provide ample light. As she waited for the moon, she might as well get started.

Throwing herself on her back, the little lass pushed her pack away just enough to give herself some rolling room. She soaked up the scent of the sweet smelling greenery, eyes closing as she did so. This was going to be a day to herself. A day to forget for a while just how miserable she actually was inside. Reaching inside the pack, Iolaire extracted one large gourd. Flicking the cork out of it, she brought the opening to her maw and drank heavily of the sweet liquid. "Wooooo..." she exclaimed after the drink. It was strong. Very strong. That was good. Io wasn't large by any means and she'd be nice and intoxicated before she could blink an eye. The tiny woman continued, drinking the gourd down to the dregs over the next half hour. One little hiccup was given before she looked up to the darkening sky. "Bye-bye sun. Hello moon." Pulling paws up to her chest, the little lady watched the sky change.


Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.