



5 Years
Extra large
08-21-2013, 01:04 AM

There really wasn't a better way to put how he felt about living in Glaciem now. It was a very beautiful place, that was undeniable, but as far as it feeling like home, he had barely gotten here scarce a week or so ago, so to say that he was happy wouldn't be accurate. But that wasn't too say that he wasn't grateful that his father had allowed him to come live with him in his new pack, but it just didn't feel like home yet. Not like how it felt when he was living with his mother. He had known all the wolves in the pack by name, had trained with most of them, had pretty good relationships with nearly all of them. Here in Glaciem, he barely knew anyone, save for his father and now Argent, but his own father might as well be a stranger for all he knew about him. But he hoped that would change, with time maybe. Or then again it couldn't. It would all be determined soon enough.

Well, I do hope you?ll find your happiness here. I?m doing my best to accommodate everyone. He appreciated her effort it was any good pack mate would do with new arrivals. Thank you, that's very kind of you, but you needn't worry about me. I will adjust just fine. He was starting to see why his father had chosen to have Argent in Glaciem with him. Your father is not the only glad one. I enjoy serving him. But as she continue to speak, he was beginning to see something else beyond the normal appearing relationship between a king and his subject. He noted the slight twinkle that took a hold of Argent's rubies, telling the young Blood that there was something beneath the surface. Something he wasn't aware of. For the time being at least. Argent's voice caught his attention once again, her question distracting. Tell her about himself? There wasn't much to tell. There isn't much to tell about myself. I was born to a pack of warriors and I was raised to respect women and protect them. I didn't know my father for the longest time until he came to my pack the season prior, asking my mother if I could come back with him here. My mother relented and so I came. I don't know much of my father, but I do hope to learn more about him now that I live with him. He shrugged, thinking himself to be very uninteresting.

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