
Spring Equinox Festival!

End of Season Festival!



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
12-16-2019, 06:31 PM
Acere had spoken with her about a recurring festival he wanted to try to boost morale for the pack and potentially strengthen alliances. He called them the "End of Season Festivals" and wanted her to host them. She obliged, of course, because it both gave her something to do and of course, she loved throwing festivals and hosting them. This particular one had something for everyone. It was a time for friendly packs to gather. For elder members to share stories, history, experiences, and so on to anyone who would listen. For pups, there were small competitions like races and scavenger hunts, story time, and even opportunities to speak with and learn from older wolves on various topics. Hunters would have the chance to show their skills, as would warriors, healers, and anyone else who wished to show off their skills.

She marched to the neutral territory beyond the pack lands and found her usual spot, climbing carefully up now that she knew she was pregnant. She was careful as she moved to stand on the center of the branch and tilted her head back, inviting their allied packs and friendly rogues to join them for the festivities!

OOC// SURPRISE!! Winterfell will now be hosting end of season festivals for other packs and friendly rogues to attend their seasonal festivals! Certain Events will be posted in separate threads for various skill sets (hunters, healers, crafters, etc.) And there will be many activities for pups, elders, and any age in between! After posting here for festival attendance, feel free to start threads (open or private) to meet new wolves, start a story time, pup playtime, etc! Official competitions will be posted throughout the week!
Remember! This festival is for friendly individuals! Any hostile members will be promptly removed and asked to leave!


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!