
I've got me some issues to work out

fighting seasonal prompt/OPEN



10 Years
Extra large

Valentines 2020
12-16-2019, 07:01 PM
Chaos had been wandering the border and singing in relative solitude, other than the owls who paced him, for a bit of time before a voice drew his attention, and he peered over at the newcomer to the situation. Over, and down, and down, so that he was peering at a petite young wolf who couldn't have been even a year old yet. She wasn't even any taller than Rhythm was. He squinted, rolled his eyes, then with exaggerated care crouched so he was at her level. "Well, kitten, if I was looking for Acere, I certainly wouldn't have any reason to tell a midgety little pipsqueak now would I?" he said, in a clearly false tone of baby-talk. "If this is all Winterfell has to patrol its borders why would I even bother looking for the washed up old bear?" He straightened and stretched. Well, if this was the best Winterfell had to offer, it seemed he needn't have bothered staying at the border, either. Well, he'd just make his own damn fun, then, because he wasn't going to pick a fight with a toddler. Turning deliberately away from the kid, he pushed into a trot deeper into the territory. "Word of advice, little girl," he called back over his shoulder, "Let the grown-ups handle border patrol next time. Beating up babies is no fun for anyone involved."

word count: 229
total word count: 777/1500

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Unless otherwise mentioned as absent, assume that both Great Horned owl companions are nearby
Chaos speaks in a strong lisp, which I am usually too lazy to write