
Rest at Last -open-


02-04-2013, 09:33 PM
Ebony paws dragged on the ground with every step, leaving behind small streaks of blood in the snow. Walking had become painful. So much walking. A once perfectly kept coat was matted with dirt and ash. Salmon tongue hung limply from a parted maw. Exhaustion had taken over the once Tortugan female. Secret had been one of lucky ones to escape the eruption of the volcano. But now she was homeless, like so many other wolves. Pack lines had disappeared as wolves fled, desperate to get away. The farther they got from the place they once called home, stragglers fell behind, thinning the group, until most where alone in their journey. New lands unfolded before the she-wolfs sapphire eyes. The sound of rushing water was like music. Her walked renewed, Secret followed the sound. Small falls soon came into sight. An excited yelp escaped the jaws of the harden she-wolf as she surged forward, leaping into a small pool.

Dirt and ash was washed away, revealing a bright pelt. Water was gulped down, soothing a parched mouth. Stepping out of water, Secret was reminded that it was winter. A frigid wind touched her wet pelt. A shiver vibrated her frame as she shook the excess water from her pelt. Looking around, orbs sought a place to settle down and warm up. Brush could be found everywhere, snow covering most of it. Settling down against a tree, she was protected from the cool air. Her fluttered close, exhaustion crashing down on her like a wave.

Black smoke filled the air, suffocating, ash fell like rain, coating everything. Panic was wide spread. Howls echoed everywhere. Liquid fire destroyed everything in its path, claiming lives of those who couldn't escape.

The sleeping ebony she-wolf twitched in her dream, desperate to get away from the nightmare that was chasing her. With a final jolt, sapphire orbs flew open. A heavy sigh slipped past a lightly greyed maw. The snow had picked up once more, layering the grown, traveling would be even harder now. Laying quietly, Secret began to think. Wondering what had become of her packmates. What had become of the other packs. What was going to happen. How would the packs regroup. So many questions and so few answers.