
Into The Unknown

Odette I


3 Years
Sylvia 1

12-17-2019, 05:07 PM
Odette had been, quite literally, soaking up the refreshing liquid. The cool water seeped into her fur and cooled her burning skin, but that simply wasn't enough. The female plunged her snout into the water and felt as if she had lapped up half of the reserves. Her stomach groaned with the added water weight but Odette paid no mind to it, instead she relished in it. The dreaded thoughts of dying from dehydration were pushed far into the back of her mind. She was so enveloped in the waters she did not even hear the approaching company until a feminine voice called out. Odette's head snapped up and in the direction of the wolf, seeing the white and black creature not far from her. A tinge of anxiety filled her chest, knowing all too well that her conversation skills are not the greatest. She waded closer to the shore so she could speak more clearly. "Yes, I'm alright now. I just.. needed water." She attempted to explain, embarrassed that she was even in this position. "I.. um.. I'm lost."

It was then her eyes found the small white creature traveling with the female, it almost looked like a painted raccoon but she couldn't be sure. "My name is Odette, I'm.. new around here." She felt so out of placed and her anxiety only grew. Why did she tell a stranger her name? Why is she telling her so much? Shouldn't she be on guard or holding her tongue? For all Odette knew this wolf was here with dark intent. Cordonia stayed in her position upon the dune, simply watching the wolves interact with each other, her curiosity with the creatures ever growing. 

"Odette" "Cordonia"
Odette has a Sand Cat companion named Cordonia, and a Welsummer Rooster named Dash. Unless mentioned, it is safe to assume they are not  with her.