
More vikings you say...

Odette I


3 Years
Sylvia 1

12-17-2019, 08:12 PM
I hope this is still open??

Name: Sylvia Ada Bjork
Age: 2 years
Gender: Female
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Design: [Image: KbXKOh9.png]
Description: A blanket of dark chocolate covers her head and shoulders, then fades out to a rich wood across the barrel of her body until it is a light fawn color along her flank. The darkest of her coloring is across her face, to a point it is as if the color was made from charred wood. Despite this, light fawn brows are seen above her eyes, and around the iris's spirals out a lighter brown that makes her violet orbs seem to glow. As most wolves do, she has flecks of lighter cream mixed into her deepest browns, showing the several layers of fur she carries. These are mostly found around her forehead and neck, stretching to even her haunches. Shades upon shades mix her fine hairs, lines of dark contrasting against pale fawn, creating a beautiful array across her midsection. Her flank's light browns extend half way down her tail, then the rest seems to be dipped in more familiar dark chocolates. A splash of cream strikes down the center of her tail, barely four inches long.
~Ambitious~ Her determination to achieve her goals is probably one of her better qualities. She has an undying will to complete her goals and desires, and regardless how long it will take, because she will be ever patient, she will get them done. While her ambitions may grow, they will always grow for the interest of her pack and family. 
~Rough~ Like all in who share her beliefs and traditions, Sylvia carries a sort of.. roughness about her. While other females make take great pride in how well kept their dens and fur are, Sylvia prioritizes her training and fighting. She is not one to shy from playing in the dirt, but that doesn't mean she has no feminine aspects.
~Charming~ While there will always be those who dislike her, Sylvia can be a very delightful wolf, to the point some may think she is intoxicated without a drop of alcohol. In her mind, there is no need to have a foul mood if you can choose to be pleasant. Careful, those charming eyes might very well be setting a trap.
~Loyal~ Especially to her family, but even more so her people. She respects her leader and the laws they put forth, holding them near and dear to her. To be a traitor could quite actually be a fate worse than death to Sylvia. To those who willingly choose to betray their kin, the is no one she hates more.
~Methodical~ Hand and hand with her ambitions is her ability to plot out a plan to achieve them. Everything she does is with a purpose, sometimes it is for her long term goal and sometimes it's for short term. Sometimes the steps purposefully go backwards, and sometimes they just happen to do that.
~Flirtatious~ Males should beware, if you're even remotely attractive, she will be playful and make sexual comments that might be welcomed.. or not. While she is open to... open relationships, she has a long term goal to be married and settled down. Bringing honor and respect to her family. 
Relationship to Valkyrie: Distant cousins/families were friends? The designs look similar xD
Reason for coming to Boreas: To bring honor and pride to her family, as well as help bring Valkyrie dreams to life.
Occupation: Shepherd/warrior/bone carver
Odette has a Sand Cat companion named Cordonia, and a Welsummer Rooster named Dash. Unless mentioned, it is safe to assume they are not  with her.