
where the red fern grows


08-21-2013, 08:01 AM

like no king was before

The new King found that he rather enjoyed this part of his job. It was wondrous to see the light in Pontifex's eyes, to see how he seemed so overjoyed with the prospect of being named Grand Duke of Seracia. It was a great honor, as Seracia had any number of decent wolves who could have been groomed for the job - but there was none more prepared than Pontifex. The smile remained on his russet-tinged lips as the man thanked him and swore his fealty to the Kingdom. Such was why he had been chosen, for his loyalty and willingness to work hard for the title he had earned. A title wasn't about achievement, it was about commitment. Pontifex understood this. "There is not a thing you could ask me that would overstep your bounds, ser. My father is doing alright - or so I've been told. Regrettably I haven't seen hide or hair of him since his return, but I can say that he has come back to the Kingdom. I hope to reunite with him soon and check on him personally." He hoped he would see his father before the children came, but it was unlikely with the way things were going. Every spare second was spent with Epiphron, as was necessary during her pregnancy, and any other time was spent patrolling and doing other duties required of a King. His father would understand how busy he was, but at some point the sire and son really ought to get together and talk. The King sighed, dipping his head slightly. It was time he got on with his business. "As much as I hate to leave a good conversation, it's high time I get a few things done and check on my wife. Good day to you, Pontifex." With a last fleeting smile and a blur of russet, the King headed off into the distance.

Exit Maverick unless stopped.

{Table coded by Lu}