
Into The Unknown



3 Years

Christmas 2019Trick 2019
12-18-2019, 12:15 PM (This post was last modified: 12-18-2019, 12:15 PM by Lucretia.)

Luce had conveniently forgotten that the Armada had taken up residence in these lands. Truthfully, the scent was so well entwined with the scent of Ashen itself that she hadn't noticed the small but perceptible change. Regardless, Belle had assured her that all Ashen members had equal footing in Armada territory. They weren't just guests, they were sister packs. She flicked an ear towards Sirius, a muted expression of confusion flashing across her own face as he frowned. Was she not welcome here? The shamyn bowed her head briefly in deference to the warlord before settling in to observe the exchange. 

He chastised Odette for intruding. Fair enough, Luce supposed, but the white female had admitted she was a stranger to these lands. It wasn't so long ago that they'd arrived here themselves, lost and confused. Their only boon was that the Kleins were united by their shared history and strength. Odette seemed to have no one. Lucretia felt a distant pang of sympathy. 

"I am Lucretia, shamyn of Ashen. We answer to Deathbelle, Empress of Ashen and the Klein Empire," she added after Sirius spoke. Her words were stiff and she kept one eye on Sirius. The titan could be unpredictable. She trusted him but tended to be a naturally anxious wolf, regardless of who surrounded her. Luce scanned Odette more carefully, looking for any signs of contagion or disease. From a distance she appeared well, if a bit underweight. The telltale pinkish skin from a bad sunburn could be seen at some spots where her fur was finer. Luce had plenty of experience treating this particular ailment - her brother was albino, after all. She wouldn't offer any treatment until Sirius finished his business out of respect and deference to her Empress' warlord. 

"lucretia mutters..."
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