
Into The Unknown

Odette I


3 Years
Sylvia 1

12-18-2019, 01:32 PM
Having conversations with one wolf was nerve wracking enough, but when a second wolf, an over sized brute of a male, Odette could just about pass out from all her stress and anxiety. He was cloaked in shadow dipped hairs, the darkness seeming to only be interrupted by ghostly white slashes across his face, as least all she could tell. The male towered over Odette, and even more so over the black and white female she had previously been addressing. As if being an unnatural height wasn't terrifying enough, there were teeth, so elongated, that they peaked out from under his upper lips and came to a rather threatening point. Her legs begged to shake like earthquakes, but the fawn woman did her very best to refrain from such action. Something about these wolves.. the way they spoke, told her showing weakness was not going to be in her best interest. Her blue orbs nearly bulged out of their sockets upon hearing the territory she had been blindly lost in, was indeed claimed, and the male did not look happy about it. "I-Intruding? I..I'm so s-sorry I didn't, I mean I would never... well not on purpose.." Her tongue stumbled over her words to the point Odette could only snap her jaw shut and hope her distress could be seen rather than heard.

The woman spoke next, informing Odette her name was Lucretia, which made her feel a little less anxious for some strange reason. Perhaps because now she had a name to go along with the wolf who would surely witness her death in a matter of moments. Both of them spoke of something called an Ashen, but Odette did not have the slightest clue what that meant. She did recognize the terms Empress and Empire, as they were synonyms for Alpha and large pack. From there she could piece together that these two were members of a pack, probably called Ashen, and they were upset she was in there territory. That all made sense enough, but Odette failed to figure out how she was suppose to rectify the situation.. in the most non-violent way possible. "I.. I mean no disrespect to.. your Empress or her.. Empire. I just was lost in the sand dunes.. and needed water.. I-I can leave now." It was her best attempt, and it was quite pathetic despite it all. She was absolutely positive this was going to be her final moments, that the male was going to tear her limp from limp and toss her remains back into the dunes to feed the vultures. She couldn't quite decide what was worse; a long drawn out death or having her eternal grave be those infernal dunes. 

Odette has a Sand Cat companion named Cordonia, and a Welsummer Rooster named Dash. Unless mentioned, it is safe to assume they are not  with her.