
My own slice of heaven

Seasonal Fighting Prompt



3 Years
Dire wolf

All Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1BeeventBronze Medal 2020Critical Fail!
1KValentines 2020VolcanoTreat 2019
12-18-2019, 06:39 PM

The snows had come and gone and the pain of losing her father never left Pestilence's heart. Everyone had said it would fade with time, though so far the pup had noticed no difference in the sheer amount of hurt she felt every time she heard his name. Her pain slowly turned to resentment, and each time a member of the family mentioned the name Abraxas she wanted to hit them. She didn't blame her siblings for trying to drown their sorrows in belief and religion and fairy tales, though she did hate how pushy some of them were for Pesto to accept their lies for truths. The only truth she knew now was that the volcano's wrath was the strongest force on earth and it had taken her father from her forever. 

Under Sirius and her mother's guidance the young princess was doing her best to emulate the powerful force of nature. She wanted to be strong like the volcano and like her tutors. One day she'd return to the birthplace of her Abraxas blood and wipe their stain from the earth. For now, she spent her time training for that moment. She'd found a secluded place among the rocks with a shallow pool of water perfect size for a pup to swim and not endanger itself. Pestilence claimed the spot as her own, returning daily to run laps against the water's resistance to strengthen her legs and hone her muscles. Occasionally a squirrel or rabbit could be found at the water source, and on those days she'd do her best to hunt and kill it although so far she'd failed in every attempt.

Continuing her training, Pestilence approached her secret place once more and stepped into the cool water to begin her sprints. While she was growing fast and would soon be too tall to effectively utilize the water's resistance, she'd do her best to use it until the day came that she needed to train elsewhere. 
