
Election Season

Mandatory Lirim Meeting



7 Years
Extra large
12-19-2019, 05:59 PM (This post was last modified: 01-27-2020, 05:10 PM by Torin.)

Eventually his pack would congregate and the man couldn't help but be struck by how small they were, how lacking in trained adults they were. His children would be old enough to start their proper training soon and he could only hope they'd be looking to fill some of the ranks Lirim needed. He quirked his brow as Ragnheiðr appeared with a bear with her. He glanced warily at his children but he trusted the woman wasn't bringing a danger into the pack. Aryn squealed happily when she spotted her twin and Torin felt his stomach twist as he watched his daughter launch herself at her twin. "Hey now." He said softly, lowering his head to gently pluck Aryn off of Siobhan and placing her next to her twin gently. "She just got better, we don't want to hurt her do we?" He asked gently, not wanting to scare his daughter yet but also not wanting to risk Sio having an episode.

He waited a bit longer before Torin recognized this was it. He cleared his throat and cast his gaze around the gathering. "Thank you all for gathering. As I'm sure many of you are aware things have been changing quite a bit lately. It'd be hard to miss." He chuckled dryly. "A meeting has been long overdue, so to start let's handle things that should have been dealt with before the evacuation. As I'm sure you're all aware of now, Derecho and I have had our first litter. We'd like to introduce you all to Lachlan, Aryn, Siobhan and the current heir to Lirim: Lili." He gently nosed each of his kids in turn, on their name. He ached slightly to not be able to introduce Pàdraig. "I'd also like to ask that the pack lookout for these little bundles of energy. We've just recently learned Siobhan has narcolepsy. It usually won't affect her unless she becomes too excited, so please do be aware of that as well." He gently nuzzled his daughter's head as he spoke, he didn't want to embarrass her but also didn't want to panic any of his members who might otherwise suddenly find themselves with a deeply sleeping pup on their paws. He'd explain it to his children once the meeting was over.

"I'd also like to offer some rank promotions." Torin smiled softly as he scanned the gathering for those wolves he was about to name. "Ragnheiðr," he said nodding towards the dappled woman. "I'd like to offer you the new rank of Doctrina. It is a role for teachers of Lirim's youth, pups, and yearlings alike. It would be up to you to think of things that our pack's youth would benefit from learning and making sure those lessons are being provided. With support from the rest of the pack of course. All other ranks would be expected to work with you on lesson plans or on making sure basic training is happening." He then moved his gaze onto his niece, noticing her excited gaze was on his children. "Priscilla I'd like to offer you the new rank of Nuntius, it's our novice rank for our Scouts, navigators and messengers. As we do not currently have any senior members in a similar rank I'll take on making sure your given jobs as well as getting training." He blinked at her, knowing she was probably desperate to go back out looking for Osiris. "Unless you'd prefer another novice rank." Finally he turned his attention towards his father. "Finally I'd like to offer Zell the rank of Adiutrix, it's one of the highest honors and ranks we can offer. I have long relied on your input, even when we didn't always agree on things. The most I can offer you as thanks is this promotion." It would be more work, and he knew his father was becoming older but he wanted to be able to rely on someone to help take the load a bit, and in truth, he did trust his father.

He would give enough time for each to accept or refuse their ranks before moving on. "Next I'd like to ask everyone to keep an eye out for the following missing wolves. Anoixi, Fawn and Valanga Wreckage. These yearlings have not been seen since the volcano erupted. Holland, one of our healers went missing shortly after evacuation. And a small brown and black man named Seth, has been missing for a while now. I won't force anyone who doesn't want to be in Lirim anymore to return but news on where they are would help to put minds at ease." He glanced at Kairi briefly, he knew she was struggling with Holland's sudden disappearance.

"That brings me to the final thing I want to bring up. While it appears we may be dealing with the fallout from the volcano for a while now the truth is this island won't be able to sustain us for too much longer. However, on my various ventures back into the mainland I've seen little improvement in our own pack lands either. So I want to ask you all what you'd prefer, stay here for a season longer or return to our packlands? In either case, I'm going to need the pack to rally together to help with filling our stores, of herbs and of food, regardless of your rank, as well as making an effort to make sure our younger members are getting the training they need to help to provide for the pack." He allowed himself to fall silent, opening the floor to anyone who had any opinions.

"Silent Treatment" & Deep thoughts

((Second round will be due Jan 2nd, No posting order. I'd like to see replies from those who got promotions so I know to add you to the new rank if your character accepts it. Otherwise responding is optional, but I'd like to consider this thread a kind of poll for if the pack will return to the mainland or not so the more responses the better.))
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I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3