


08-21-2013, 10:53 AM

Pacing. Walking. Waiting.

He couldn't stop moving, ever since talking to Jupiter he had been back in Tortuga waiting for the call, waiting to go to the battlefield to watch the battle that would decide both his fate and Jupiter's. Half of him had been relieved that she had decided to take on Kaios, but after seeing that she had newly given birth... She had so much to live for. His children were going on 2 and could easily care for themselves but hers would be handed off to guardians rather then parents and raised without ever knowing their mother. And he would be the first to say that she was a mother that any child would be lucky to have. His feelings towards her had been growing ever since he had first met her, not feelings or love or lust or anything animalistic but something akin to admiration and loyalty was blossoming, something he had never really felt towards anyone other then his family before.

He found himself patrolling the boarders these days, wandering the perimeter of their pack lands although there was really onto one, maybe two ways up the mountain that was tell used. But still he wandered it all, the massive male lumbering his way through the shadows with head hung low and nose twitching at every scent. Wolves weren't meant to live in the mountains, he had decided that quite some time ago, but bears and big cats could easily come up the other edges of the mountain if they really wanted to. So maybe that was what he was watching for? No... If he was being completely honest with himself he was mostly stalking the boarders because Secret had left the pack lands again... After last time part of him wanted to say screw it and just let her do whatever she wanted no matter the consequences but another part kept reminding him that if he went off and got himself killed that his children would need their mother.

It was the strong scent of blood that first turned his attention back towards the main path up the mountain. For a moment he paused, lifting his massive crown and sampling the breeze. It wasn't just any blood, it was the blood of their own kind. Someone had been hunting... The scent stirred something inside of him that had been dormant since coming to these land, it made his heart quiver almost and pink tongue darted out to slide across his lips. Desdemona wouldn't be happy though... And if she caught this slayer rather then Ky then he would probably end up dead, the beast had been in the hunters shoes enough times that as he started towards the entrance his first instinct wasn't to chase him off, rather to maybe join him and then warn him about Tortuga's new morals. Ugh... They still made him want to barf, any other pack he would have been fine but to be in a pack, have leadership change hands so much and then to have them do a complete 180 on you was not a fun time.

It was the howl that made him freeze mid stride. Muscles coiled beneath his skin to the point where he almost began to shake. It was Secret, he knew that voice anywhere. His mind completely swept over the fact that it was tinged with fear and pain. He didn't notice the slight gurgle to it as her lung filled with blood. All he noticed was that it was calling for a certain someone and that was Kaios. That. Fucking. Bitch. Hackles raised and lips pulled back into a snarl as he remained rooted to his spot. Even if she was in trouble a huge part of him no longer wanted to have anything to do with her. He pretty much was hoping she would rot. After everything Kaios had done to her she had the balls to go ahead and call out for him? He did a sharp 180 and slipped back into the bushes. Maybe Kaios could kill her for him and then they could just be done with this nonsense. All he had wanted was someone to carry his kids, to carry his bloodlines and somehow he had managed to be stuck with her. Why he had ever bothered even trying to care for her was beyond him, obviously she just wanted to die.

It was almost half an hour from the time that she howled to the time that he had finished the rest of his patrols and managed to circle back to the path up the mountain. Something about the way her blood covered her coat and was splashed along the ground almost brought a smile to his face. He moved with practiced ease after that, first wandering around to differentiate the scents. Apparently one male had come and done the damage and then from the looks of her broken neck Kaios had done her a favour and ended her. He filed the smells away in his mind and then moved away from the body, not bothering to look at her as he found a small flowering clearing away from the rocky areas and trees and began digging. The soil was softer here and powerful shoulders didn't take long to destroy the top soil and begin his descent down. Why he was bothering to bury her he didn't know, maybe because he didn't want the kids to see her like this but other then that... He owned her nothing anymore.

It was another hour before he felt the hole was deep enough that scavengers wouldn't root her back up later on. The beast hauled himself out of the hole and walked back to the now cold body. He wasn't gentle as he grabbed her by the scruff and dragged her towards the hole. He dropped her roughly beside the hole, taking a moment to move to her already destroyed belly. One paw held her lower front leg down as he began poking around. He had to crack her ribs to get to what he wanted but soon he pulled out her heart. Once again, less then gently he pushed her into the hole, and then he sat, holding her heart in his jaws and staring down at the woman he had once considered his friend. But apparently he had been nothing to her, just someone to help her with her desire to have children, someone to drag around and toy with. One word followed her heart as it slid down her throat. "Bitch...." Bloody saliva followed her into her grave as he growled and set to work burying Secret. Funny how one thing, one little moment could change a relationship forever. For Ky, all those memories of play fighting with Secret or hanging out in the den when their children were young would be replaced by that single pleading howl calling out for Kaios.

He didn't wait around after he had buried her, heart pumping adrenaline and rage through his veins. No doubt he would regret everything about today later but for right now he needed to leave. So without another word or a call to his children he turned and followed the scent of the slayer down the mountain. He needed to kill something.

-exit Kylar-
