
From the Northern Reaches

Torin - Intellect prompt



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
12-20-2019, 09:38 PM
His answers seemed to come easy enough, but she briefly wondered if there was more than he was letting on. She understood that though. She had been an alpha before, but at the time she felt she had other alpha friends or former alpha friends she could confide in about her troubles. At the time, too, she had been a more trusting creature. She still was to an extent, though not as much as she had been before. She still had a kind and giving heart, and would still help those that needed it. "I think I can help with that," She offered a kind smile to hopefully, ease any worries he might have. While she wasn't the alpha, she would do what she could now and inform Acere later. She doubted that he would get mad about it. After all, she was certain he would've done the same. "Lucky for you I have a few pelts with me now, and my companion here has some samples of other furs that we can bring as well,"

She motioned to Tan who moved forward and spread out a few scraps of furs she had been holding. Arctic fox, caribou, deer, seal skin...that was all she could carry, but Avalon dug into the pack she had and procured some more rolled up hides. "I have here a couple of fox skins, seal skins, and deer hides that might work in the meantime. The samples that Tan has there are some others we have back home, but if you are interested than we can fetch them and return within a few days." She was sure there were bigger, better pelts from predators and bigger game that the pack had brought down, but she wasn't strong enough to bring those along.

"I understand your worries about the training. We too, have quite the number of young wolves who might benefit from training among others their age. If you'd like, perhaps I can speak to Acere about joint training? I'm sure he would be delighted with the idea, as would the younger ones." Acere would likely jump at the chance, or at least consider it for the sake of his children and the other young souls that weren't getting the training they so desperately needed.


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