
No Matter How Far


Osiris I


4 Years
12-20-2019, 10:20 PM (This post was last modified: 12-20-2019, 10:21 PM by Osiris I.)
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Fresh grass tickled the male's paw pads, seeming to wander to wherever his companion may have scampered off to. After all, she had decided to venture towards her homelands, and knowing a little where the location was; Osiris thought it would be a perfect opportunity to make sure everything was alright with her. The volcano was still a concerning issue as far as the male was concerned, but his heart seemed to clench when the thought of Priscilla possibly getting hurt flooded his mind. After all, she was his only friend in this land. Though the brute had knocked into a few lovely individuals and some...not so trustworthy, he at least wanted to make sure the lass was safe and sound before wandering off again.

The smells of the landscape erupted through his nose, his ear's flicking for any indication of prey or wolves. Though some soot and other undesirable fumes wafted into the air, at least it wasn't that close from where he resided. Heck, the young wolf even wondered if his brother had witnessed the destruction like he did. He had to be around here somewhere...right? Osiris shook his crown slightly in frustration before moving forward once again. He had heard briefly about Priscilla having some family in Lirim, so perhaps he could go this direction and maybe knock into her without wandering into pack territory. His tail swayed freely behind him as he trotted forth, despite the grim situation looming over the land, he still considered the day to be rather lovely. For nature was still the same no matter how one looked at it: for it had it's destructive moments, but could be downright beautiful.
