
Comfort Food




Expert Fighter (205)

Expert Hunter (180)

11 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Christmas 2019Treat 2019
12-21-2019, 12:58 AM

The world almost seemed eerily quiet since after the volcano erupted. Before, it was like the entire world was screaming and all the animals were running for their lives, including him when he first arrived in the southern lands. And now? While it wasn't quite like a wasteland, prey had been scarce and everything seemed to have fallen silent. It was so quiet in fact, he could actually hear his companions wings when he flapped above him. He glanced upward to find his companion circling above him as he scanned the terrain, though there didn't seem to be any sign of prey anywhere. Cloud had started to grow somewhat thin, but he had managed to catch enough to keep him going so far. Up North, although the climate was harsher, at least he knew where to find fatty prey. And to top it off, the volcano hadn't touched those lands...but down this way? It felt harder to find decent prey to hunt...the eruption had done a great deal of damage and the ash that coated the lands seemed to suffocate the ground. It was possible that a lot of the prey animals had moved to more verdant lands, had been hard to track them since their usual patterns and habits had been thrown out of balance.

As he walked in silence, he eventually heard his companion call out and veer towards his right. Pausing, Cloud sniffed the air but could only really smell the stale ash and debris that had been thrown this way. Frowning, he quietly followed the bird through the gully, the male glancing upward now and then to ensure he was going the right way. He was curious as to what his partner had found...was it prey? He hoped so. His stomach grumbled with hunger, and with the band roaming around and not staying in one particular place, he found himself getting hungry more often. He kind of couldn't wait to return to his pack. To see his brother and his nieces and nephews and be around familiar faces again...but until then, he would fulfill his duty and aid the band like he promised.

As he emerged from the fronds, he soon spotted a familiar cream form several yards from his position, and his eyes widened in disbelief for a moment. "Medea?" He hadn't expected to see her again. Though he barely knew her, he was actually glad he had come across her. She was a familiar face in this desolate place, but as his relief washed over him, he noticed she seemed...unhappy? Pushing through the foliage, he approached the woman. "You have absolutely no idea what a relief it is to see a familiar face," He usually wouldn't have been one to say something like that to someone other than his own family, but being in a band with wolves (other than Dragon) that he wasn't familiar with had sent his social anxiety skyrocketing. They were different than what he was used to.

Glancing down, he noticed the dried vines and his head tilted for a moment. What was she doing with th-- oh! Duh. He did notice the scent of rabbit, though there weren't many recent scent trails, he figured they were likely hiding underground after the world went to shit. "Would you like some help?" He offered a half smile, the male feeling somewhat comfortable in her presence. It was better than being among a group of fighty viking wolves, anyway.

Word Count: 579

Walk, "Talk" Think