
what about that shadowy place?

Seasonal - Io



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
12-21-2019, 08:26 AM (This post was last modified: 12-21-2019, 08:28 AM by Iolaire.)

Zee spoke of wanting to see Io's future garden and the dark woman grinned. She'd always been terribly proud of her gardens. It was a pity that she'd had to leave so many behind. First the one that she'd inherited from the crone. Then the one in the land with Yrione. Finally her favorite garden in Amsdenae... So many gardens and they'd all gone to waste.  She could only hope that this one would last for years. Iolaire had faith in Sirius and Zee. Faith that they could maintain hold over these lands. Faith that they could see the pack through the worst of times without allowing usurpers to take what was theirs. The horned woman went on to speak of how beautiful the land used to be and Io nodded in agreement. Though she hadn't seen it before the volcano, she could see the lands potential. In her minds eye, she could see what this land could be and what it had been. She could also see what it would become with the help of Ashen's imprint.

There seemed to be a bit of fear in Zee's voice as she spoke of wishing well for the land. In the hope of easing some of those fears, Iolaire spoke. "Ash is actually quite good for the soil. It contains many nutrients that feed the plants through being absorbed within that soil. With ash as fine as this, it will be absorbed in no time." Leaning over, she gave her companion a little nudge. "In a way, the volcano was a good thing. This land will be richer than it was before and will most likely draw in more prey than was here previously. We just have to wait a while longer." How did Iolaire know so many things? She never stopped asking questions. Her keen intellect came from hounding others when she didn't understand. The woman knew a little bit about a lot of things, and knew a lot more about things that she was interested in.

The worry in Zee as she spoke of going only a small distance within was obvious. It seemed as though she didn't want Iolaire to get hurt. That shouldn't have been the first thing on her mind at all. Taking one fox-like leap forward, Iolaire turned to look at the other woman. "You needn't worry about me. I have this uncanny ability to stay alive." The small dame gave a roll of green and gold eyes. "Just ask my father." It had been the mans intent to murder her, but she had always been one step ahead. When Yrione had given her to his pack to violate and abuse, she had escaped and saved her own skin. When Amsdenae had been overrun and sacked, she had used the secret paths to avoid detection and keep herself safe. A shrug was then given. "But if we've seen all that you wish to see, I suppose we'd better head out." Her nose wrinkled. "And find somewhere to take a bath. This ash is making me itchy."

This Post-511
Total Count- 2149
Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.