
One step to the right, three to the left.

Aria I


08-21-2013, 01:07 PM

One error was all she needed to get a hold of the man, and that error was given. Haku had taken his eyes off Aria for just a second, and by time his green gaze refocused on her she was already on him. From afar one might have though two wolves were copulating, her body half on his, forelimbs hooking around his body just behind his shoulders, trying to hold onto him so she would slide off. But just when she thought she had him the male took off, sprinting forward with her still hanging on.

Aria couldn't help but laugh at this scene, her body bouncing against him as he charged for an edge then stopping abruptly, sending her weight forward just as he moved back to make her slide off. And was launched through the air, the laugh still coming from her even as she disappeared over the edge in a front roll. They were lucky though, had they been at the edge of the cliff she would have certainly perished from the impact. By some luck though they were at a small ledge, the edge the shewolf was thrown off was just a few small feet over a grassy patch. But one would not know that until they got down to that patch of grass, there were bushes below the edge hiding a hole.

That's where she went. Aria hit the ground roughly with a yelp, and even if it sounded real it was just a tiny bit, most of it fake. Quickly she scrambled, picking herself up with a mischievous smirk, making her way over to the bushes, pushing through and hiding, waiting for Haku to come and see if she was okay. Hopefully he would not scent her near the bushes, or else her tiny plan would fail.


Awesome image made by Andy <3