
Wolf Heart




7 Years
Toy size

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipChristmas 2019Treat 2019
12-21-2019, 12:13 PM (This post was last modified: 12-21-2019, 12:14 PM by Gavroche.)
Gavroche jumped a bit, the harsher tone of the woman surprised him. He’d never heard her speak and, judging by how she spoke it seemed she hadn’t done so in a while. His green eyes fixed on her, worried at first, as she put in her piece. His jaw parted, surprise fading to shock. She… was willing to help. “You don’t…” He trailed off. She may not know him, have no reason to want to help, but in that same regard he didn’t know her either. It wasn’t about knowing each other though, was it? Gratitude flashed in Gav’s eyes, a look of understanding. It seemed neither wanted the other to have to be a slave. He respected her for that. She could have easily let him take her place, not speak up at all and go her own way… but she didn’t.

Then the band leader spoke. Gavroche closed his eyes, taking a breath as he made the decision. When he looked back to her there was more resolve in his expression than before. At the end of this they could both walk away free; as equals.

“I don’t believe that will be necessary. Sorry for the confusion.” He glanced at the wild woman once more, giving a small nod. “It was rude of me to make the decision prior… I didn’t think she may want to help… but I will not throw that generous offer back in her face.” He took another breath and looked at Valk.

“So this will be our final offer, should you agree to it.” His ears perked and the winged male straightened a little. They could do this, together.

“Previously my cousin and I offered you our services for a season and a half. However, due to the eruption we are rather late in meeting and that was one of your first terms. To compensate for this we will stay until the start of winter. About two seasons with your band.” Hopefully that would suffice for the gap and help ease the other woman into feeling the newest offer was worth taking.

“During this time I will provide healing, including lessons, for your band members and prepare two stores of herbs for use by then. Given that we’ll be serving during the warmer seasons it will be the best time to gather them. I still offer twenty of my feathers as well, should they be desired, and my cousin’s collar.” He shifted his attention back to the wild woman.

“Melanthios offered their services as a fighter and hunter for your band. This would be the part of the bargain that she would fulfill.” He spoke in a softer tone. The woman had already said she would fight and do what Mela had offered. He just wanted to make sure she knew the extent of it.

He shifted his gaze back to the viking.

“If I may request some additional details to be considered as well… I by no means wish to hold it over her head that she must do this. It by her own free will she chooses to do so. If she decides she wants to leave at any time and cancel the deal… should she do it the right way and alert you she be free to go. As forfeit for the deal falling through I take her place as a slave instead, no questions asked.” Gavroche took another breath, his throat hurting more and more, but he was determined to finish.

“You do not have a reason to trust me yet. You do not know who I am, the walk of life I have come from, or anything like that. I can only present to you my word and the promise to stand by it. At my size I have nothing stronger than that.” He shifted a little.

“I know I bear wings but I can not fly. Not that I would attempt an escape but the point is if I was foolish enough to try I wouldn’t get far. I believe that they were damaged in an attempted maim when I was young. They have little use than a supply of feathers and for show.” He trailed off and dipped his head slightly in respect to the band leader.

“That’s our offer and the terms I requested along with it, should you choose to accept. If you do we’ll start fulfilling our end immediately. Any further conditions at your discretion.”