


08-21-2013, 01:14 PM

It was by sheer luck that she had been within the borders of her home tonight. She had been seeking out her family after her return from her latest adventure. She hadn't seen her mother in some time, and thought it might be nice to see her again. A brisk trot carried her towards the familiar land that she called home. Then there was an earth shattering howl. It was distant, barely audible. Yet so familiar. Panic frozen mid stride. Eyes widening with fear. Legs broke into a run, claws digging into the dirt, desperately trying to propel her faster. That was her mother. Breathes came in short rapid pants. It took what seemed like forever to cross Tortuga. Navigating through the dense terrain slowed her down.

The scent of blood hit, putting a falter in her step. Slowly her pace as the scent got stronger, cooled blood soon touched her paws causing her to jump back. The smell was nauseating, making the world spin around her. Verdant gaze searched desperately for her mother, but found nothing, only a pile of freshly dug up earth. Looking closely, she could see where her mother had been dragged, stopping at the grave. Tears flooded her vision, wetting her ebony fur. Thin frame trembled uncontrollably. What had happened? Why was her mother dead?! Legs gave out beneath her, dropping her to the earth. Scents swirled around her, ones that she didn't know or recognize. But ones that she tucked away deep with her mind, forever to be remembered.

There was something familiar. A scent. It lingered, barely there as though the wolf had stayed only long enough to bury her. Her father? It was so faint she wasn't sure. Why hadn't he stayed? Why hadn't he called them all together? Confusion muddled her thoughts. Pushing herself up onto shaky limps, she threw her crown back, letting a sad melody flow from inky lips. Her howl broke off into jagged sobs. She needed to leave. She couldn't be here. With one last look at her mothers grave, the young woman turned and fled. Paws being cut open by jagged rocks, more tears blurring her vision. An angry snarl contorted her features, lips pulling back to reveal ivory daggers.

Someone would pay for this. One day. She would get revenge for her mother. Never mind that her mother had allowed them to do as they please once they were old enough. Never mind that she was hardly around, only teaching them the important things. Her mother wouldn't be killed in vain. It was sudden overwhelming urge to kill that frightened her. The need to sink her fangs into something living, and watch the life fade from their eyes as their blood soaked the ground. It made her heart race faster, pound in her chest. She wasn't sure where the desire came from, or even what to do with it. She simply let it free, let her sense carry her away, let raw instinct take over, consuming her in a dark unreachable place.

-exit Maia-
