
My own slice of heaven

Seasonal Fighting Prompt



6 Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Treat 2019
12-21-2019, 02:54 PM (This post was last modified: 12-23-2019, 12:31 PM by Gadreel.)
He still didn't know what to feel or how to feel about his father's death. He kept to himself, keeping away from siblings full blooded and otherwise. He didn't know the half bloods. Didn't really care to get to know them...but he was jealous that he heard word that some of them had seen his father in a dream. And yet, he had been kept in the dark. What did he have to do to see his father again? Frustrated, he left his den a ransacked mess and headed out to potentially find something else to take his frustration out on. Maybe a wouldn't do any good. He needed something that would feel him. Something that would understand the pain and hurt and sorrow and anger that he felt. Or at least, someone to take the blunt end of his anger, anyway. 

The volcano had taken his father. 

His mother was distant, too.

He felt like he didn't really have a place here.

While the alphess' kids has titles like princess. But he figured that because they were her kids they got all sorts of special treatment. Shouldn't they all get those titles if they were born from Archon? He remembered when Deathbelle made a big deal about his dad she loved him and all that crap.

But he supposed that love didn't extend to his other kids. Just hers.

It was definitely an understatement to say he was mad and jealous of those other brats. They got all the attention and special treatment while he sat in the background practically forgotten. He knew that if his dad were still alive, it would be different. But he wasn't. 

So when he heard voices and the distinct stench of the alpha kids, he sought them out and watched from his perch on a rock nearby. His gaze was stone cold, no warm features or anything on him as he watched the one swimming around and the other standing on the edge of the water. Her back was to him...which gave him a mischievous thought.

Would the spoiled little princess hate getting wet? 

Whatever her reaction, he quietly got down from his perch and stalked over, not really caring if they saw him or not. He feigned moving towards the waters edge until he was closer to her (Venom) before he rushed forward and pretty much aimed to shove her into the water. 

He didn't particularly care if he got into trouble for this later. At least he'd be getting some attention.