
When the Hammer Falls

Pack meeting & Raid meeting!


12-21-2019, 05:52 PM
Avalon was pregnant. Felicien still couldn’t fathom what miracle had occurred that night for her to become pregnant but, regardless of what had shifted he was undeniably excited to become a father. Their first, last, and only litter together… their lives were becoming more and more like a fairytale. Felicien knew that while such stories seemed beautiful they all came to an end. Nothing would be forever… but he was going to cherish every last minute he had with Avalon and their little ones. Children that he’d sire and actually know. The chance to really be a father… he just hoped in his time with the children he could teach them something… and his heart ached at the thought he likely wouldn’t live to see them reach adulthood. But this… this would be enough. They would have Winterfell to help them grow… there had been even more purpose to his coming here than he thought.

With Avalon’s pregnancy coming along Felicien had fought hard with the desire to try and provide for her, for them, and just remained curled up near her at almost all times. There was no better place to be.

His ears twitched as he heard Acere’s call and Felicien frowned as he felt Avalon shifting. He didn’t exactly want to leave the den but he got to his paws. He knew she would head there and he’d much rather be by her side than figure out what was going on after. If there was a threat to his family, blind or not, Felicien wanted to be aware of it.

The going was slower, not that Feli minded. He kept pace with Avalon, close enough to feel their fur brush together at times by mindful of her growing belly. Once they arrived he found his place beside her and took note of the different scents all around him. More than he’d been around at one time for years and, admittedly, the old man felt a bit overwhelmed by it all. Not that he was worried about what they could do -- they were packmates and he doubted they would turn on each other -- but being in a “social” setting like this was a bit much. He gave a soft snort to signal his displeasure and gently pressed back against Avalon.

He noticed another settle on her other side, ears flicking back slightly with curiosity. “Famille?” He asked Avalon softly, slipping into French. Partly to see what she remembered, and partly to give himself comfort as well. He noticed now as he got older, if he faced uncertainty, he slipped more into his mother’s tongue than the common one.