



5 Years
Extra large
08-21-2013, 01:51 PM

It seemed that the two shared a fondness for late night endeavors. The idea brought a ghost of a smile across inky jowls, but it quickly faded into oblivion as he refocused his attention on the overseer before him. There was an air of unease about her and he was pretty sure he knew why, though he made no comment to bring her worries to air. And he didn't have to; she was doing it all on her own. She wasted no time in expressing the troubles that plagued her mind, allowing the intensity of her feelings to shine through, War is coming, and I am worried. And with good reason. Though he didn't doubt that his father wasn't capable enough of handling his own on the battlefield, even the most skilled of warriors fell because of a miscalculation or simply because they weren't meant to be victorious that day. And there was nothing to say that something like that couldn't happen to Isardis.

I?ve done what I can for those less experienced in battle, and I hope you do not take great offense to this, but I want to know how skilled the fighters we do have are. Taurig was not stupid by any means, so he was able to catch on to Argent's true intentions easily enough. She wanted to see how skilled he was. There was no problem with that. He had been wanting to set up a spar with her, possibly get some training from her. And tonight seemed like the perfect opportunity. No offense is taken, you do good in assessing the warriors at your disposal. Simply tell me where we start and I will comply. The organ in his chest began to thump just a little bit faster at the prospect of sparring with the silvery woman. He would get to see her in action whilst testing himself. It was brilliant.

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