


08-21-2013, 01:57 PM

The red woman had returned loyally to the hot springs as always after her meeting with the Amenti Madame. Her eyes sharp as she waded through the steam that rose as always from the hot pools of liquid that scattered this area. Even the ground between them was warm, the rocks heated by the bubbling sulfuric liquid, though they were slick with moisture. The waters themself varied in temperature, Vi found some to be just barely warmed while others if you dared to dip a toe in would scorch your skin. She had learned that the hard way. But after spending so much time down here the dame had come to learn what to do an what not to do. Also she had almost all the pools perfectly mapped out in her head to the point where she could almost walk through the pathways between them with her eyes closed. Not that she would dare to, heaven forbid she slipped and fell into one of those scorching pools. After all, what was she without her looks?

She slid up to her favorite pool, about mid leg deep so you could lay down if you wanted in it on chilly days to warm up, and paused at it?s side. When was the last time she had seen her brother? Her head tipped as she looked at her hazy reflection in the pools surface, muddled due to the steam, and pondered that question. Not since Tortuga had disbanded at least. Rune had been the only one from that family to show up at the meeting that Morphine had called when she had finally gotten Tortuga back. Now what was he up to? Maybe off eating babies or trying to appease the goddess? A smile slid over the red bitch?s lips as she slowly lowered herself to the ground, allowing one forepaw to slid forward so her ankle arched over the lip of the pool and toes dipped into the water.

Maybe it was about time they got the little family together. She hadn?t heard hide or hair of Secret either and she was usually a fairly active member of the pack. Maybe she was dead? Though they had learned to tolerate each other on their trip back Vi still held a particular hatred towards the female for enchanting her brother so. To the point that he had been willing to lay his life on the line for her honor. Stupid males? She snorted, nose wrinkling at the thought. Well might as well call the big lug over and see if her nieces and nephews were still alive? Slender crown tipped back and lips parted to form an ?o? as she allowed a howl to slither up her throat, calling for her beloved brother. He would come, no matter where he was? He would come.