
Among Clashing Tides


08-21-2013, 01:58 PM

Ears would twitch as the man spoke, lowering her head to get at an itch just behind her right ear. He explained that he was just trying to explore these lands when he found himself where he is now, that the west wasn't a nice place, at least this part of it. Seraphine lifted her head and gave a small nod though she would furrow her brows in thought, Tortuga coming into her mind. "Would you rather be here or on a volcano?" She suddenly asked, not meeting his gaze, staring at the slanted shelter above them. She didn't mean for it to seem like she was making him choose which was worse, its just that Tortuga's territory popped into her head when he brought up this place not being so nice.

"My second home, there was a volcano within the territory." She wouldn't be giving him her life story, no way, the girl didn't even know this guy besides his name. She would lower herself down though, curling up in a tight ball, though not as tight like the man did since she wasn't as large. "I think I rather be on a volcano, because it will only blow once in awhile but when it does you can escape it. But here, you can only escape it so long as long as there is something to hide under, but when you leave it will still be there beating on your back." It was a strange thing to begin talking about but it was better than just sitting there awkwardly in silence. "Which would you choose?" Her voice held a friendliness to it, curious, wanting to hear his thoughts.


Awesome image by Trynx <3