
where the red fern grows

Pontifex I


08-21-2013, 02:13 PM

There is not a thing you could ask me that would overstep your bounds, ser. My father is doing alright - or so I've been told. Regrettably I haven't seen hide or hair of him since his return, but I can say that he has come back to the Kingdom. I hope to reunite with him soon and check on him personally. He was glad to hear that Gerhardt was doing alright, and even more so now that he had returned to the kingdom. Perhaps someday soon he would run into the ex-king again and they could have a talk, just two men and not an ex-king and newly appointed grand duke. I am very glad to hear that Gerhardt is doing well. Please send him a greeting from my part when you see him sir. He could sense that the conversation was beginning to draw to a close, a sigh and dip of the head indicating to the Grand Duke as much. As much as I hate to leave a good conversation, it's high time I get a few things done and check on my wife. Oh his wife! He had completely forgotten that the royal family was expecting their first litter. The Grand Duke would be sure to visit the little tykes once they were born and congratulate the new parents. Yes of course sir. Good day to you too. A small dip of the head was given to the king, taking his own leave in the opposite direction, a new bounce to his step. Grand Duke. Who would've thought.

End Thread

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