
Among Clashing Tides



5 Years
Extra large
08-21-2013, 02:27 PM (This post was last modified: 08-21-2013, 02:28 PM by Taurig.)

She would lean down to get an itch behind her ear before lifting her head, nodding at his words, her brows furrowing. His own brows furrowed in confusion. Had he said something that had upset her? Would you rather be here or on a volcano? Would come her unexpected question, her bi-colored gaze raising to stare at the slanted roof above them. Volcano? He had never lived near a volcano in his life. I'm not very sure. I have never lived near a volcano or even been around one. He answered honestly, hoping that his answer wouldn't be too terrible and vague. How was he supposed to answer that when he'd never had the experience of living by a volcano?

My second home, there was a volcano within the territory. She curled herself into a ball, mimicking his posture as she continued to talk. I think I rather be on a volcano, because it will only blow once in awhile but when it does you can escape it. But here, you can only escape it so long as long as there is something to hide under, but when you leave it will still be there beating on your back. What would you choose? He wasn't exactly sure where this topic had come from and what had prompted her to bring it up, but he didn't really mind. He liked conversation, even if it was about a subject that he didn't know too much about. Well...I think living by a volcano would probably be a better option, since like you said, it's more escapable than this unbearable heat. He shifted a little, trying to keep his massive frame inside the shade of the shelter, salmon tongue peeking out from inky jowls in a light pant.

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