
Like Jonah from the whale




Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
12-23-2019, 07:06 PM
It didn't take long for the plucky little reindeer to make her way down the beach, prancing with each step as she did so. The little cart was still hooked to her and jostled around in her wake. The runty ungulate gave a little bleat, letting hr companion know that she was on her way. Io couldn't help but smirk. Ila was an odd little thing, but she liked her.

Curling her body as tightly against the dog as she could, she listened as he tried to speak. "No, no. Save your strength. There will be time for talk when I get you warmed up." Ila stopped beside her, a look of curiosity on her face. Some non-wolves were capable of speech. Ila was not. Iolaire was already decent at interpreting the caribou's looks. "He's hurt. Cold. We need to get him off of the damn sand and get him warm."

Extracting herself from the hairless hound, Io unhooked the harness that held Ila to the cart. "I'll need you to help me lift him." The deer nodded and ambled over to the dog. Together they would be able to deposit him in the cart and that's exactly what they did. Ila scooped him atop her antlers while Iolaire pulled from within the cart itself. Soon they had him off of the wet sand. Thankfully, Iolaire had the large ox pelt that Sirius had prepared for her as she often took it when traveling. She wrapped the dog within it, careful to not let any of his flesh be exposed save a gap up top where he might breathe. She offered encouraging words. "You'll be warm in no time in there."

The next issue of business was a fire. Hooking Ila back to the cart, the going was a little rougher now that there was weight and they were rolling through sand, but they soon made it to the far end of the beach where sparse grass and rock began to take over. Placing her pack upon the cart, Iolaire rushed ahead to gather wood for a fire. Once that was done and the dog was warmed, she would begin to deal with his injuries.
Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.