
Dead Outside




3 Years
Extra large

Trick 2019
12-24-2019, 09:43 PM
Priscilla wasn’t sure if Torin would willingly move the pack from the island but… the idea of his children staying there with dwindling resources, particularly if one of them had a health condition concerned her greatly. She wanted to find Osiris and Cottontail too… So heading back to the mainland seemed like a good thing to do. She could scout the areas as she trailed to Lirim, and not much further, before she reported back to her uncle with, hopefully, good news. All she had to do was help discover an inhabitant land in the west, not claimed by another pack, that Lirim could potentially relocate to.

When she arrived at the Dancefloor of the Gods the first thing ‘cilla noted was, at least what she could see of the plain at the moment, the lush grasses of the land seemed non-existent at the moment and the land stretching out before her was a sorry sight for what it should have been this late in spring. Fire, she wondered? For this land was one of the furthest from the volcano’s reaches… it could have been fine further in, should be, where prey would be grazing on what was available. It would make the likelihood of running into another predator higher… but…

‘Cilla shook her head and took a step onto the dark hued earth. Something had definitely happened here… maybe the grass was just struggling to grow back? Or was the weather, despite how far this land was from the eruption, causing strain and chaos here as well?

She hadn’t gone terribly far in when she noticed a figure further along, though further East than she was. She perked her ears and dared to break into a trot to close the distance. As she grew closer she noticed the scent on the wind and recognized it. This was one of the wolves from the Lirim meeting! A packmate!

‘Cilla let out a loud, short bark to hopefully catch the other woman’s attention. Maybe they could combine their efforts?


Normal Navigation -- Spring, Year 14 [Dancefloor of the Gods]
1/3 for exploring a new land